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I'm assuming you've reached the final choice square 59 already? Skip down to the second paragraph/section for an indepth explanation but if you just want to know the answer, third section. But if you haven't, here's a quick way to get there. Wake up Plue, go to the forest, go to the bottom fork, sit on the stone, follow the numbers for a while, once you reach the fork in the cave, take the smaller tunnel, follow the numbers, then when you reach the room, go up the steps, follow the numbers until you reach the maze like square, then choose number 72 (I don't think it matters but just to be safe...), follow the numbers, then use the sword, choose either explosion or throw (it doesn't matter but don't choose Seppukul!), follow the numbers until you reach square 59.

So here's the tricky part. If you choose to open the U-20 door, you go home with no candy, if you choose the U-10 door, you get a mountain of candy, but none of them lead to 100 points. Hiro Mashima said that you can't get 100 points through normal straight-ahead progress. If you were desperate to get the answer, you probably would've tried to trace it backwards but you'd get stuck at square 90 because no other square says to "Go to square 90." And it all does depend on your final choice.

The sign in front of the two doors reads: "Choose wisely -Nigh N. Tea" Now if you sort of combine all of the words and manipulate how you say the "N.", you can read the signature as Ninety. Therefore, go to square 90, follow through and you get 100 points!

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How many words can be made from ctsrpauecl?

708 words can be made from those letters: 1. AE 2. AL 3. AR 4. AS 5. AT 6. EL 7. ER 8. ES 9. ET 10. LA 11. PA 12. PE 13. RE 14. TA 15. UP 16. US 17. UT 18. ACE 19. ACT 20. ALE 21. ALP 22. ALS 23. ALT 24. APE 25. APT 26. ARC 27. ARE 28. ARS 29. ART 30. ASP 31. ATE 32. CAP 33. CAR 34. CAT 35. CEL 36. CEP 37. CUE 38. CUP 39. CUR 40. CUT 41. EAR 42. EAT 43. EAU 44. ECU 45. ELS 46. ERA 47. ERS 48. ETA 49. LAC 50. LAP 51. LAR 52. LAS 53. LAT 54. LEA 55. LET 56. LEU 57. PAC 58. PAL 59. PAR 60. PAS 61. PAT 62. PEA 63. PEC 64. PER 65. PES 66. PET 67. PUL 68. PUR 69. PUS 70. PUT 71. RAP 72. RAS 73. RAT 74. REC 75. REP 76. RES 77. RET 78. RUE 79. RUT 80. SAC 81. SAE 82. SAL 83. SAP 84. SAT 85. SAU 86. SEA 87. SEC 88. SEL 89. SER 90. SET 91. SPA 92. SUE 93. SUP 94. TAE 95. TAP 96. TAR 97. TAS 98. TAU 99. TEA 100. TEL 101. TUP 102. UPS 103. USE 104. UTA 105. UTS 106. ACES 107. ACRE 108. ACTS 109. ALEC 110. ALES 111. ALPS 112. ALTS 113. APER 114. APES 115. APSE 116. ARCS 117. ARES 118. ARSE 119. ARTS 120. ATES 121. CAPE 122. CAPS 123. CARE 124. CARL 125. CARP 126. CARS 127. CART 128. CASE 129. CAST 130. CATE 131. CATS 132. CAUL 133. CECA 134. CELS 135. CELT 136. CEPS 137. CLAP 138. CLUE 139. CRAP 140. CRUS 141. CUES 142. CULT 143. CUPS 144. CURE 145. CURL 146. CURS 147. CURT 148. CUSP 149. CUTE 150. CUTS 151. EARL 152. EARS 153. EAST 154. EATS 155. ECRU 156. ECUS 157. ERAS 158. ERST 159. ETAS 160. LACE 161. LACS 162. LAPS 163. LARS 164. LASE 165. LAST 166. LATE 167. LATS 168. LEAP 169. LEAR 170. LEAS 171. LEPT 172. LEST 173. LETS 174. LUCE 175. LUES 176. LURE 177. LUST 178. LUTE 179. PACE 180. PACS 181. PACT 182. PALE 183. PALS 184. PARE 185. PARS 186. PART 187. PASE 188. PAST 189. PATE 190. PATS 191. PEAL 192. PEAR 193. PEAS 194. PEAT 195. PECS 196. PELT 197. PERT 198. PEST 199. PETS 200. PLAT 201. PLEA 202. PLUS 203. PRAT 204. PRAU 205. PUCE 206. PULA 207. PULE 208. PULS 209. PURE 210. PURL 211. PURS 212. PUTS 213. RACE 214. RALE 215. RAPE 216. RAPS 217. RAPT 218. RASE 219. RASP 220. RATE 221. RATS 222. REAL 223. REAP 224. RECS 225. REPS 226. REST 227. RETS 228. RUES 229. RULE 230. RUSE 231. RUST 232. RUTS 233. SALE 234. SALP 235. SALT 236. SATE 237. SAUL 238. SCAR 239. SCAT 240. SCUP 241. SCUT 242. SEAL 243. SEAR 244. SEAT 245. SECT 246. SEPT 247. SERA 248. SETA 249. SLAP 250. SLAT 251. SLUE 252. SLUR 253. SLUT 254. SPAE 255. SPAR 256. SPAT 257. SPEC 258. SPUE 259. SPUR 260. STAR 261. STEP 262. SUER 263. SUET 264. SUPE 265. SURA 266. SURE 267. TACE 268. TAEL 269. TALC 270. TALE 271. TAPE 272. TAPS 273. TARE 274. TARP 275. TARS 276. TAUS 277. TEAL 278. TEAR 279. TEAS 280. TELA 281. TELS 282. TEPA 283. TRAP 284. TRUE 285. TSAR 286. TULE 287. TUPS 288. UPAS 289. UREA 290. URSA 291. USER 292. UTAS 293. ACRES 294. ACUTE 295. ALECS 296. ALERT 297. ALTER 298. APERS 299. APRES 300. APTER 301. ARCUS 302. ARLES 303. ARTEL 304. ASPER 305. ASTER 306. AURES 307. CAPER 308. CAPES 309. CAPUT 310. CARES 311. CARET 312. CARLE 313. CARLS 314. CARPS 315. CARSE 316. CARTE 317. CARTS 318. CASTE 319. CATER 320. CATES 321. CAULS 322. CAUSE 323. CECAL 324. CELTS 325. CESTA 326. CLAPS 327. CLAPT 328. CLASP 329. CLAST 330. CLEAR 331. CLEAT 332. CLEPT 333. CLUES 334. CRAPE 335. CRAPS 336. CRATE 337. CREPT 338. CREST 339. CRUEL 340. CRUET 341. CRUSE 342. CRUST 343. CULET 344. CULPA 345. CULTS 346. CUPEL 347. CURES 348. CURET 349. CURLS 350. CURSE 351. CURST 352. CUSEC 353. CUTER 354. CUTES 355. EARLS 356. ECLAT 357. ECRUS 358. EPACT 359. ERUCT 360. ERUPT 361. ESCAR 362. LACER 363. LACES 364. LAPSE 365. LARES 366. LASER 367. LATER 368. LEAPS 369. LEAPT 370. LEARS 371. LEAST 372. LEPTA 373. LETUP 374. LUCES 375. LUCRE 376. LURES 377. LUTEA 378. LUTES 379. PACER 380. PACES 381. PACTS 382. PALER 383. PALES 384. PALET 385. PARES 386. PAREU 387. PARLE 388. PARSE 389. PARTS 390. PASTE 391. PATER 392. PATES 393. PAUSE 394. PEALS 395. PEARL 396. PEARS 397. PEART 398. PEATS 399. PELTS 400. PETAL 401. PLACE 402. PLATE 403. PLATS 404. PLEAS 405. PLEAT 406. PRASE 407. PRATE 408. PRATS 409. PRAUS 410. PRESA 411. PREST 412. PRUTA 413. PUCES 414. PULER 415. PULES 416. PULSE 417. PURLS 418. PURSE 419. RACES 420. RALES 421. RAPES 422. RATEL 423. RATES 424. REACT 425. REALS 426. REAPS 427. RECAP 428. RECTA 429. RECUT 430. RULES 431. SALEP 432. SAUCE 433. SAULT 434. SAUTE 435. SCALE 436. SCALP 437. SCAPE 438. SCARE 439. SCARP 440. SCART 441. SCAUP 442. SCAUR 443. SCRAP 444. SCULP 445. SCUTA 446. SCUTE 447. SEPAL 448. SEPTA 449. SERAC 450. SERAL 451. SETAL 452. SETUP 453. SLATE 454. SLEPT 455. SLURP 456. SPACE 457. SPALE 458. SPARE 459. SPATE 460. SPEAR 461. SPELT 462. SPLAT 463. SPRAT 464. SPRUE 465. SPURT 466. SPUTA 467. STALE 468. STARE 469. STEAL 470. STELA 471. STRAP 472. STREP 473. STUPA 474. STUPE 475. SUCRE 476. SUPER 477. SUPRA 478. SURAL 479. SUTRA 480. TACES 481. TAELS 482. TALCS 483. TALER 484. TALES 485. TALUS 486. TAPER 487. TAPES 488. TARES 489. TARPS 490. TAUPE 491. TEALS 492. TEARS 493. TEPAL 494. TEPAS 495. TESLA 496. TRACE 497. TRAPS 498. TRUCE 499. TRUES 500. TULES 501. TURPS 502. ULCER 503. ULTRA 504. UPSET 505. URASE 506. URATE 507. UREAL 508. UREAS 509. URSAE 510. ACCEPT 511. ACCRUE 512. ACCUSE 513. ACUTER 514. ACUTES 515. ALERTS 516. ALTERS 517. APERCU 518. ARTELS 519. ASPECT 520. CACTUS 521. CALCES 522. CAPERS 523. CAPLET 524. CARCEL 525. CARETS 526. CARLES 527. CARPEL 528. CARPET 529. CARPUS 530. CARTEL 531. CARTES 532. CASTER 533. CASTLE 534. CATERS 535. CATSUP 536. CAULES 537. CAUSER 538. CERCUS 539. CESURA 540. CLARET 541. CLASPT 542. CLAUSE 543. CLEARS 544. CLEATS 545. CRAPES 546. CRATES 547. CRUCES 548. CRUETS 549. CRUSET 550. CUESTA 551. CULETS 552. CULPAE 553. CUPELS 554. CURATE 555. CURETS 556. CURTAL 557. CUTLAS 558. CUTLER 559. ECLATS 560. EPACTS 561. ERUCTS 562. ERUPTS 563. ESCARP 564. ESTRAL 565. LACERS 566. LAPSER 567. LASTER 568. LETUPS 569. LUCRES 570. LUSTER 571. LUSTRA 572. LUSTRE 573. PACERS 574. PALEST 575. PALETS 576. PALTER 577. PARCEL 578. PAREUS 579. PARLES 580. PARSEC 581. PASTEL 582. PASTER 583. PATERS 584. PAUSER 585. PEARLS 586. PETALS 587. PLACER 588. PLACES 589. PLACET 590. PLATER 591. PLATES 592. PLEATS 593. PLEURA 594. PRATES 595. PREACT 596. PRECUT 597. PULERS 598. PULSAR 599. PULSER 600. PUREST 601. RATELS 602. REACTS 603. RECAPS 604. RECAST 605. RECTAL 606. RECTUS 607. RECUTS 608. RELUCT 609. REPAST 610. RESULT 611. RUSTLE 612. SALTER 613. SALUTE 614. SAUCER 615. SAUREL 616. SCALER 617. SCARCE 618. SCLERA 619. SCRAPE 620. SCULPT 621. SECPAR 622. SEPTAL 623. SLATER 624. SPACER 625. SPRUCE 626. STALER 627. STAPLE 628. STELAR 629. SUTLER 630. TALERS 631. TAPERS 632. TAUPES 633. TEACUP 634. TEPALS 635. TRACES 636. TRAPES 637. TRUCES 638. ULCERS 639. ULSTER 640. ULTRAS 641. UPCAST 642. UPRATE 643. UPTEAR 644. URATES 645. ACCEPTS 646. ACCRUES 647. ACCURST 648. ACCUSER 649. APERCUS 650. CAPLETS 651. CAPSULE 652. CAPTURE 653. CARCELS 654. CARPELS 655. CARPETS 656. CARTELS 657. CLARETS 658. CLASPER 659. CLUSTER 660. CRESTAL 661. CRUSTAL 662. CURATES 663. CURTALS 664. CUSPATE 665. CUTLERS 666. ESTRUAL 667. PALTERS 668. PARCELS 669. PASTURE 670. PERSALT 671. PERUSAL 672. PLACERS 673. PLACETS 674. PLASTER 675. PLATERS 676. PLECTRA 677. PLEURAS 678. PREACTS 679. PRECAST 680. PRECUTS 681. PSALTER 682. PULSATE 683. RECLASP 684. RECUSAL 685. RELUCTS 686. SACCULE 687. SALUTER 688. SCALEUP 689. SCALPER 690. SCARLET 691. SCAUPER 692. SCRUPLE 693. SECULAR 694. SPECTRA 695. SPECULA 696. SPURTLE 697. STAPLER 698. SULCATE 699. TEACUPS 700. UPRATES 701. UPSCALE 702. UPSTARE 703. UPTEARS 704. CAPTURES 705. RESCULPT 706. SCEPTRAL 707. SPECTRAL 708. SPECULAR

Is (0 4) a solution to this system of equations?

SYLLABUS OF III SEMISTER B.E. COMPUTER SCIENCE (SEMISRER PATTERN)33CSI: Applied Mathematics Unit 1 : Integral TransformsFourier integral theorem, Fourier and Laplace transforms and their simple properties, Simple properties of Laplace transforms to-solve ordinary differential equation including Application to one dimensional partial differential equations. The z-transform definition and properties, inversion, with Laplace transform, Application of z-transform to solve difference with constant coefficient.Unit 2: Complex VariableAnalytic function, Cauchy-Riemen condition, conjugate, function, singularities, Cauchy's integral theorem and integral formula (statement only) Taylor's and Laurent theorem (statement only) Residue theorem, contour integration. Unit 3 : Calculus of VariationsMaxima and Minima of functional, variation and its properties Euler's-equation, functional dependent on first and second order derivatives, simple applications.Unit 4 : Fourier SeriesPeriodic function and their Fourier expansion. Even and odd function, change of interval half range expansion. Partial Differential Equation: Partial-Differential Equation of first order first degree,i.e, Langrange's form, Linear Homogeneous P.D.E. of North order with constant coeffient method of separation of variables.Unit 5 : MatricesInverse of matrix by partitioning method, Inverse of a matrix by adjoint method and its use solving- simultaneous equation, Rank of matrix, Consistency of a system of Equation, Linear dependence, linear and orthogonal transformation.Unit 6 : MatricesCharacteristic equation, Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, Reduction of a diagonal form, Statement and verification of Cayley-Hamilton theorem; Sylvester's theorem, Association of matrices with linear differential equation of second order with a constant coefficient, Determination of largest eigenvalue by iteration method.Test Books:· Advanced Engineering Mathematics, kreyzig· Higher Engineering Mathematics, B.S. GrewalReference Book :· Mathematics of Engineer, Chandrika Prasad· Advanced Mathematics for Engineer, Chandrika Prasad· Applied Mathematics for Engineer, L.A. Pipes & Harville· A Text Book of Applied Mathematics, P.N. Wartikar & J.N. Wartikar 33CS2 : Programming Fundamentals In "C"Unit - I:Introduction to programming , programming languages, algorithms, flowchart. C: Data types, Identifiers, Storage class, Constant, Operators, expression, Statement, console I/O statement, Selection statement: if-else, switch, Iteration Statement: for, while, do-while, jump statement: return, go, back, continue, comment.Unit IIFunction, Call by value, Call by reference, calling function with arrays, argument to main(), return statement, recursion, function prototypes, inline keyword, preprocessor directives. Pointers: pointer variables, pointer operator, pointer expression, array of pointers, multiple indirection, pointers to function, dynamic allocation function, Unit IIIArrays - single dimensional arrays, two dimensional arrays, variables length array. Strings, array of strings. Unit IVStructures : array of structures, passing structure to function, structure pointer, structure within structure. Union, bit-fields, enumerations, size, type def. Unit VFile I/O : Streams and files, file system basics, fread, fwrite, fseek, random access I/O, fprint(), fscan(), standard streams. Unit VIAdvanced Concept in C: Different types of pointers, ROM-BOIS function, Elementary TSRs.Text Book :· The Complete Reference C (4 th Edition): Herbert Scheldt [TMH]· C how to program, 4th Edition by H.M.Deitel & P.J. Deitel, Pearson Education.· Writing TSRs through C: Yashwant Kanetkar [BPB]Reference Book:· The C programming Language: Dennis Ritchie & Dietel, Pearson Kernighan [Pearson]· Programming with C: K.R. Venugopal & S.R. Prasad [TMH]· Let us C: Yashwant Kanetkar [BPB]33 CS3 : DIGITAL CIRCUITS & FUNDAMENTALS OF MICROPROCESSORUnit - I:Motivation for digital system - Logic and Boolean algebra, Number system: Binary, Hexadecimal, Octal, Gray. Gates & truth tables, propositions, Demogran's law minimization of combinational circuits using Karnaugh maps.Unit II :Multiplexers, Demultiplexer, Enconds, Decoders, Code, Converters, Address, Subtract(Half, full), BCD Adder/ Subtractor, ripple and carry look-ahead addition. Unit IIIStorage elements, flip-flops and latches: D,T,J/K, s/R flop-flops. Master Slave Conversion of one of type of F/F to another. Unit -IVCounters, asynchronous and synchronous-design using state and excitation tables. Unit -VIntroduction of 8085, Addressing modes, Instruction Set of up 8085 Unit -VIInterrupts of 8085, Programming of up 8085.Text Book :Digital Design 3rd Edition by M. Morris Mano, Pearson Education.Digital logic and Computer Design by M. Morris Mano, Pearson Education.Digital Circuits & Design - R.P. JainDigital Circuits & design - A.P. GodseFundamentals of Digital Electronic - A.Anand Kumar8 bit microprocessor & controller - V.J. Vibhute8 bit microprocessor - Gaonkar 33CS4 : Combinatorial TheoriesUnit I :Combinatory : Basic counting techniques, pigeon-hole principle, recurrence relations, generating function. Examples using ordinary power series and exponential generating functions, general properties of such functions. Dirichleet Series as generating function.A general family of problems described in terms of 'cards, deck and hand' with solution methods using generating function. Unit IIGenerating function proofs of the sieve formula and of various combinatorial indenties. Certifying combinatorial indenties.Some analytical methods and asymptotic result.Polya's counting theorem.Basics of graphs theory.Introduction to probabilistic method in combinatory. Unit IIINumber TheoryExamples of continued fractions.The study of the continued fraction.Alpha has infinite continued fraction if alpha is irrational.Formal logic: Prepositional logic: proof system, semantics, completeness, compactness.Length of proofs, polynomial size proofs, efficiency of proof system. Unit IVAlpha has periodic continued fraction if alpha is quadratic irrational.Application to approximation of irrational by rational. Hurwitz's Theorem.First order logic: models, proof system, compactness, Examples of formal proofs in say, number theory or group theory. Some advanced topics.Unit V:Application to solution of Pell's equation. Proof that means cos{(p x pi)/q}, for natural number p and q are irrational (apart from obvious exceptions).Example : CS application of logic, introduction to modal and temporal logics, Or formal theory including incompleteness theorem.Unit VI :Lowville's Theorem on algebraic numbers. Construction of transcendental numbers.Elements of proof theory including cut elimination, Or zero-one law for first order logic.Text Book :Niven, Zuckerman and Montgomery, An Introduction to the theory of Numbers, (5th edition), 1991, Wiley. 33CS5 : Principle Of Management Unit I:Nature and function of Management, Management yesterday and today, Planning and Decision making. Unit II:Management Information System: Introduction, Conceptual Foundation, Information System Requirement Unit III:Marketing Management : Marketing concept, Indian Marketing Environment, Market segmentation, Market Planning, International Marketing.Unit IV:Financial ManagementUnit V:Human Resource Management : Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Training and development, Security , safety and Health.Unit VI:Organization Behavior : Organization Structure and design. Designing Effective Organization, Managing Job Stress, Organization DevelopmentText Book:Principle of management, PC Tripathi and PN ReddyManagement Information System, Gordon Davis and H. Olison McGraw Hill.Human Recourses and Personal Management, William Werther and Keith Davis.Marketing Management V S Ramaswamy and S NamakumariOrganization Behavior, High Arnold and Daniel Feldman McGraw HillFinancial Management, Khanna33CS6 : Computer WorkshopPractical to be based on following topics:Study of PC HardwareBasic computer OrganizationPC constructionStudy of BOIS and CMOSWorking under DOS and Windows operating systemInternal and External DOS commandsBasics required for working under windows operating systemStudy of control panel3. Working under UNIX / LINUX Operating System:Structure : Unix ArchitectureFeatures of UNIX operating systemLayered model of UNIX operating system (study of kernel and shell)File structure and Directory structureIntroduction to Networking Accessories:Study of user connectionStudy of communication channelStudy network architecture (topologies)Study of network TypesBooks:Computer Fundamentals - Pradeep K. SinhaIntroduction to Computer Science by ITL ESL, Pearson EducationIntroduction to UNIX and shell programming by M.G. Venkateshmurthy, Pearson EducationUnix shell programming - Yeshwant Kanetkar.SYLLABUS OF IV SEMISTER B.E. COMPUTER SCIENCE (SEMISRER PATTERN)44CSI: Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory Unit 1: Set TheoryOperation of sets - relation and functions, partial order, equivalence relation peano and inductionsUnit 2: Mathematical LogicProposition, predicate logic, formal mathematical system, algebra, Homomorphism, AutomorphismUnit 3: GroupsElement of theory of some Algebras, semi group, monoid group.Unit 4: RingsRings, fields, lattices, Boolean Algebra.Unit 5: Graph TheoryGraphs, Hyper Graph, Transitive Closure, Spanning Tress.Unit 6: CombinatorsGenerating Function, recurrences, counting theorem and applicationText Books:discrete Mathematical Structure for computer science, Kolman / Rahman Pearson education.Combinational Mathematics, C.L. Liu (McGraw Hill)(common to CS/CT/CE/IT)44 CS2 : Data Structure and Programme Design in 'C' 44 CS2 Data and program design in "C"Unit 1General concept and linear data structure : Abstract data structure as an organization of data with specified properties and operations, Time and space analysis of algorithms, Big oh and theta notations and omega notations. Average, best and worst case analysis, Representation of Arrays - single and Multi dimensional - Address calculation using column and row major ordering. Representation of stacks and queues using arrays- Circular queues, Dequeue, Application of stacks, Conversion from infix to post fix and pre-fix expression, Evaluation of postfix expression using stacks, Multiple stacks.Unit IILinked list : Linked lists, Simply linked list Implementation of linked list using and dynamic memory allocation-dynamic memory allocation, operation on list linked stacks and queues, polynomial representation and manipulation are using linked list, circular linked list, doubly linked list, Generalized list.Unit IIITrees: General and binary trees, Representations and traversals, General tress as binary trees, Binary search trees, Application, the concept of balancing and its advantages, B-trees, B+ Trees, AVL Trees, Threaded Binary Trees.Unit IVHashing : Hash functions, Collision resolution, Expected behavior, ApplicationUnit VGraphs and digraphs : Representations, Breadth and depth first searches, Connectivity algorithms, shortest path, Minimal spanning tree, the union find problem, Hamilton pathUnit VISorting : Elementary sorts : selection , insertion, bubble sort, Radix sort, Quick sort, merge sort, heap sort, Bucket sorting, External sorting, Worst case and average behavior, Lower bound for sorting using comparisonsText Books:Data structure using C and C++ by Y. Langsam, Pearson EducationData structure using C by Tenebaum, Pearson EducationData structure using C by S.K. Bandyopadhaya, Pearson EducationS. Sahani, Data Structure in CD. Samantha, Classic Data Structure, PHI PublicationData structure - Robert Kruse44CS3: Business Data ProcessingUnit I:Structural Organization of COLBOL: Character set, Words, Sentences, Identification Division, Environment Division, Data Division, Data types- numerical, Alphabetic & alphanumeric, Input-output sections, Working storage sections, PROCEDURE division features : ACCPET, DISPLAY, MOVE, Arithmetic & COMPUTE verbs, levels, Errors Handling, Sample programs, PERFORM & GOTO verbs, sample programs using PERFORM, Miscellaneous COBOL statement.Unit II:Conditional statements & Handling Relation condition, Nested condition, Class conditions, Condition name condition Justified clause, Structured programming forms of program structure, Structural floe charts, subscripting, OCCOURS CLAUSE, multidimensional tables, Tables handling with PERFORM verb.Unit III:Business Files : Structured flow charts, Operation on files, Master files, Transaction file, Report file, Batch processing, on-line processing, case studies.Sequential Access Files: Principle of magnetic storage and accessing, Blocking, Inter record gap, label records, COBOL language instruction for sequential files.Unit IV:Direct Access File : Characteristic of disk storage and timing index sequential files, COBOL instruction for indexed sequential files, relative file organization, Division - Remainder method, digital analysis method, COBOL instruction for handling relative files.Unit V:Sorting, Searching and merging : Linear search sort, Merge sort, Chained record sort, Linear search, Binary search, File sorting and Merging using sequential files.Report Generation : Output layout design, Heading, Date & Detailed summaries.Control break, Language specification for COBOL report writing.Unit VI:Advanced Tool manipulators like STRING, UNSTIRNG, INSPECT & COPY verb, COBOL subprogram and main program.Text Books:· COBOL Programming with business application - N.L. Sarda· Information System through COBOL -Philippakis & Kazmier· Structured COBOL Programming - Stern & Stern· COBOL Programming by M.K. Roy, D. Ghosh Dastidar.44CS4: Theoretical Foundations Of Computer ScienceUnit 1Mathematical preliminaries - Sets, operation, relation strings, transitive closure, accountability and diagonaalisation, induction and proof methods- pigeon-hole principle and simple application - concept of language - grammar and production rules- Chomsky hierarchy.Unit IIFinite state machine, regular language, deterministic finite automata, conversion deterministic automata , E- closures- regular expression finite automata, minimization of automata, Moore and Mealy machine and their equivalence.Unit IIIPumping lemma for regular sets-closure properties of regular sets-decision properties for regular sets, equivalence between regular language and regular grammar. Context - free language -parse trees and ambiguity, reduction of CFGS, chomsky and Griebach normal formsUnit IVPush -down Automata (PDA)-non Determinism-acceptance by two methods and their equivalence, conversion of PDA to CFG CFLs and PDAs-closure and decision properties of CFLs.Unit VTuring machines-various-recursively enumerable (r.e.)set-recursive setsTM as computer of function- decidability and solvability- reductions- post correspondence problem (PCP) and unsolvability of ambiguity problem of CFGs, Church's hypothesis.Unit VIIntroduction to recursive function theory- primitive recursive and partial recursive functions, Parsing top down and bottom up approach, derivation and reductionText BooksIntroduction to formal languages and automata - Peter Linz Norasa, 200Theory of Computer - Mishra and Chandrashekharan, PHIReference BooksIntroduction Of Automata Theory, Languages and computation J.E Hopcroft, J. D Ulman, Pearson education.44CS5: Computer Architecture & OrganizationUNIT 1BASIC STRUCTURE OF COMPUTERS :Functional units , Basic operational concepts, Bus structure Addressing modes , subroutine : parameter passing , instruction formats, expanding opcodes method.BASIC PROCESSING UNITS: bus architecture, execution of a complete instruction, sequencing of a control signals, hardwires control, micro programmed control, microinstruction format, bit slice concepts.UNIT II:ARITHAMETIC : Numbers representation and their operations , design of fast Adders, Singed multiplications, Booth's Algorithm's bit pair recording, Integer Division, Floating point numbers and operations , guard bit and rounding.UNIT III:THE MEMORY SYSTEM : various technologies used in memory design , higher order memory design, multimode memories and interleaving , Associative Memory , Cache Memory, Virtual Memory.UNIT IV:INPUT / OUTPUT ORGANISATION: I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O , interrupts and interrupts handling mechanism , vectored interrupts , synchronous vs.Asynchronous data transfer , Direct memory Access COMPUTERS PERIPHERALS : I/O devices such as magnetic disc, magnetic tape. CDROM system.UNIT V:RISC philosophy , pipelining , basic, delayed branch, branch prediction, data dependency, influence of pipe lining on instruction set design ,, multiple execution units, performance considerations,UNIT VI:Basic Concepts in parallel processing & classifications of parallel architecture. Vector processing , Array processors.BOOKS:· V.C Hamachare , Z.G.Vranesis and S.G Zaky, Computer organizations.McGraw Hills 5th Edition, 2002.· Computer Architecture & Organizations III rd Edition J.P Hayes.· A.S. Tanenbaum, Structured Computer Organizations" 4th Edition , PersonEducations.REFERENCE BOOKS:· M. Mano, " Computer System & Architecture" Pearson Education.· W. Stalling " Computer System & Architecture" , Pearson Educations.44CS6: Internet TechnologiesPractical to be conducted based on following topics:1) HTML: standard use for www documents on internet , GML, SGML, HTML tags, special characters, Fonts, Lists, Images, Tables, Forms and Frames.2) DHTML:Introduction to CSS, Fonts in CSS, Text in CSS, Boxes in CSS, CSS positioning, Tables in CSS, Generated content and lists in CSS.3) XML: XML basics, understanding markup languages, structures and syntax, valid Vr well formed XML, DTD (document type definition) classes, Scripting XML, XML processor, parent child relationship, XML as a data, data type in XML, XML namespaces, linking with XML simple link, the HTML way, XSL with style: style sheet basics, XSL basics, XSL style sheets.4) FRONTPAGE:5) SECURITY:6) Scripting Language: Perl Scripts, Java Scripts:7) PHPTEXT BOOKS:· XML in action web technology by William J. Pardi (PHI) Pub.· Web Technology by Ramesh Bangia (Firewall Media).. · Programming the web using XML by Ellen Pearlman (Tata McGraw - Hill).SYLLABUSS OF V SEMESTER B.E. COMPUTER SCIENCE (SEMESTER PATTERN)55CS1: Data CommunicationUNIT 1:SIGNALS:ANALOG AND DIGITAL : Analog and digital data, Analog and digital signals; PERIODIC AND APERIODIC SINGNSLES, ANALOG SINGALE: simple analog signals; TIME AND FREQUENCY DOMAINS; COMPOSITE SINGLES: Frequency spectrum and Bandwidth; DIGITAL SIGNALS : Decomposition of digital signal; TRANSMISSION MODES: Serial and Parallel transmission, Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission, simplex, Half- Duplex communication.UNIT 2:ENCODING AND MODULATING:DIGITAL -TO - DIGITAL CONVERSION : Unipolar , Polar, Bipolar;ANALOG- TO DIGITAL COVERSION:Pluse Amplitude Modulation(PAM),Pules Code7 Modulation(PCM),Sampaling Rate,How many Bits per Sample? Bit rate;DIGITAL -TO- ANALOG CONVERSION: Aspects of Digital -to -Analog conversion, Amplitude Shift Keying(ASK),Frequency Shift Keying(FSK) ,Phase shift keying( PSK), Quadrature Amplitude modulation (QAM), Bit / Baud comparison ; ANALOG-TO- ANALOG CONVERSION: amplitude modulation (AM), Frequency Modulation (FM) , Phase modulation(pm);UNIT 3:INTERFACES AND MODEMS: DIGITAL DATA TRANSMISSION: Parallel transmission , Serial Transmission ; DTE- DCE INTERFACE: Data terminal Equipment (DTE), Data Circuit - Terminating Equipment (DEC), Standards, EIA-232 Interface; OTHER INTERFACE STANDARDS: EIA-530, X21; MOODEMS; Transmission rate, Modem standards; 56k MODAMS:Traditional Modams,56Modems;UNIT 4:COMMUNICATION MIDIA: GUIDED MEDIA: Twisted pair cable, Coaxial cable, Optical Fiber cable; UNGUIDED MEDIA: Radio frequency allocation, Propagation of Radio waves, Terrestrial microwave, Satellite communication, Cellular Telephony; TRANSMISSION IMPAIRMENTS : Attenuation , Distortion, Noise ;PERFORMANCE: Throughput, Propagation Speed, Propagation time;UNIT 5:MULTIPLEXING: FREQUENCY DIVISION MULTIPLEXING (FDM). TIME DIVISION MULTIPLEXING (TDM); Inverse Multiplexing, WAVE- DIVISION MULTIPLEXING, MULTIPLEXING APPICATION : THE TELEPHONE SYSTEM: Common carrier services and hierarchies, Analog services, Digital Services; DIGITAL SUBCRIBER LINE(DSL):ADSL, RADSL, HSDL, SDSL, VDSL; FTTC:FTTC in the Telephone Network, FTTC in the Cable TV Network.UNIT 6:DATA COMPRESSION: Huffman code, Run -Length Encoding, Relative Encoding, Lempel-Ziv Encoding, Image Compression, JPEG, MPEGText Books:Data Communication and Networking by Behrouz A.Forouzan, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Understanding Data Communication and Networks by William A. Shay, 2ND Edition , Vikas Publishing House.Reference Book:Electronic communication Systems by Kenney.Communication Systems by Singh and SapreData communication by Fred Halsall, Pearson Education.55CS2: Numerical ComputingPolynomial Equation : Newton -Raphson method, Regula Falsi Method, Bairstow method, Multipoint iteration method, Convergence/ Rate of Convergence of iterative method, Evaluation of Multiple & complex roots. Simultaneous equations.Linear System and Matrices Gauss elimination with pivoting, Gauss- Seidal iteration,Triangularization/ Cholesky methos, Iterative determination of Eigen values. Interpolation & Approximation: Lagrange's divaricates interpolation , Least squares approximation, Uniform approximation , Rational Approximation, Hermite Iterpolation. Differentiation / Integration: Doubleintegrals by Trapezoidal & Simpson rule, Methods of undermined coefficients for numerical integration, GaussOLegendre, Gauss- Hermite formula, Romberg Integration, Approximation of derivates, Richardson's Extrapolation. Differential Equations: Initial value problems by Euler's method, Picard's, Taylor series, Runge- Kutta methods, Predictor- Corrector methods, Boundary value problems (Second order)by finite difference methods.Related topics: Simplex method for linear programming programming problems,Errors & Method of errors analysis.Text Books:Numerical methods for Scientific and Engg. Computations by M.K. Jain, SRK Iyengar, R.K.Jain , Wiley Eastern Ltd.Numerical methods for Science & Engg. By Stanton R.G. PHIIntroductory Methods of Numerical Analysis by Sastry S.S.PHI.55CS3: Object Oriented MethodologiesUNIT 1:The Object Oriented ParadigmWhat is Object Orientation ?, What is Object Oriented Development ?, The Object Oriented Themes ;The Object modeling Technique (OMT).Object ModelingObjects and Classes; Links and Association ; Advanced Links and Associations Concepts; Generalization and Inheritance; Grouping Constructs; A Sample Object Model. Advanced Object Modeling Aggregation; Abstract and Concrete Classes;Generalization as Extension and Restriction ;Multiple Inheritance; Metadata; Candidate Keys.UNIT 2:Dynamic ModelingEvents and States; Operations; Nested State Diagrams; Concurrency of State; Advanced Dynamic Modeling Concepts; A Sample Dynamic Model; Relation of Dynamic Model to Object Model .Functional Modeling The Functional Model; The Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) ; Properties of DFD; Construction of DFD; Specifying Operations; Constraints; A Sample Functional Model; Relationship between the Object, Dynamic and the Functional Models.UNIT 3:Pre- Analysis the need for Pre-Analysis ; Pre -Analysis Steps: Interviews, Questionnaire, Observation, Documentation and Notations; the Bus Stop Problem Domain Example. Analysis: The Analysis Overview ; the Problem Statement; the ATM example; Object Modeling in ATM; Dynamic Modeling in ATM; Functional Modeling in ATM; Adding Operations; Iterating Analysis ; Recording Analysis.UNIT 4:DesignHow does Design differ from Analysis ? The Logical and Physical Design ; Qualities and Objectives of Analysis and Design; Measurable Objectives in Design; Planning for Design. System Design Overview of System Design; Breaking System into Subsystems; Identifying Software Control Implementation; Handling Boundary Conditions; Setting Trade-Off Priorities; Common Architectural Frame Works; the Architecture of ATM System.UNIT 5:The object design paradigm:Overview of Object Design; Class Specifications; Interfaces; Criteria for Good Design; Designing Algorithms; Design Optimization ; Implementation of Control ; Adjustment of Inheritance; Design of Associations; Integrity Constraints; Object Representations ; physical Packaging; Documenting Design Decision.UNIT 6:The Human Computer InteractionWhat is Human Computer Interaction ? Qualities of Good User Interface; Approaches to User Interface Design; the Standards and Legal requirements. The Programming Style the subject-Oriented Style; Extensibility and Robustness; Programming -in-the-Large; Last Binding and Early Binding. Reusable Components What is meant by Reuse ?, Why Reuse ? , Planning Strategy for Reuse; the Reusability approaches.Software Development Methodologies The Method and the Methodology; Why use Methodology ? the Unified Software Development Process; Participative Design Approaches ; Issues in Choosing Methodology; Hard Vs Soft Methodologies.(Practical Implementation in "c++")Text Books:Object Oriented Modeling and Design; James Rumbaugh, Michael Blaha, Pearson Education.REFERENCES:Object Oriented System Analysis and Design using UML; Second Edition ; Simon Bennett, Steve McRobb, Ray Farmmer ; Tata McGraw Hill ; 2004.Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Application ;Second Edition ; Grady Booch ;Pearson Education.Object Oriented Analysis and Design; Andrew Haigh; Tata McGraw Hill;200155CS4: Concept in Programming LanguageUNIT IDefinition of Programming Language , Implementation of high -level languages, Data elements , binding time , binding identifiers to names, binding of attributes, Binding time. Concept of r-value and I- value and their implementation . Effect of Environment on a language, Language paradigms. Language translation issues.UNIT IIData type, Type checking and type conversion, elements of specification and implementation of data type . . Implementation of elementary data types; integer, real, character, Boolean Pointer, enumerated type Implementation of structured data types. Vectors & arrays, sets, Files.UNIT IIIAbstract data type, encapsulation . Implementation of new data types, Subprogram definition and activation, their Implementation, parameter passing methods, generic subprograms, Scope rules.Unit IVType equivalence, type definitions with parameters , Implementation of Inheritance. Storage management issues like static and dynamic allocation, stack based allocation and management, Heap based allocation and management.UNIT VSequence control, Implicit and explicit sequence control, Sequencing with arithmetic expression, Sequence control between statements, prime programs, implementation of case statement.UNIT VISubprogram sequence control, recursive and non recursive subprogram. Data control , referring environment, dynamic and static scope, static chain implementation and display implementation.BOOKS:§ Programming Languages, 1st edition by T.W. Pratt and M.V.Zelkowitz &T.V. Gopal by Pearson Education, 2006§ Programming Languages, Ravi Sethi, Addison Wesley.55CS5: System ProgrammingUNIT I:IBM 360/370 & Assembler- Introduction to System Programming & its components. M/C Architecture, Data Formats & Register Formats, Concept of assembler, design of single pass and two pass assembler.UNIT II:Microprocessor -concept of macro , macro call within macro, macro definition within macro, recursive macro calls, design of macro processor.UNIT III:Linker and Loader- concept of static and dynamic relocation , external symbols, design of linker, design of object file for different loading schemes.UNIT IV:Common Object file format & System Utilities - Structure of object file and executable file, section or segment headers, symbol table , concept of storage class, string various, data type line insert, character, arrays structures . Source code control system, make , link editor, symbolic debugger.UNIT V:Unix Device Drivers- Definition, Anatomy and Types, Device programming, Installation, Incorporation of driver routines, Basic device driver operation, Implementation with Line Printer & Disk , Comparative study between device drivers for UNIX & Windows.UNIT VI :Compiler- Phases of Compilers, Overview of Databases and Algorithms required for all phases. Role of lexical analyzer, recognition of tokens, Study of LEX &YACC.BOOKS:System Programming-J.J.Donovan.System Programming and Operating system - D.M. Dhamdhere.Unix system Utilities manual.Unix Programming Environment- Keringham and Pike, Pearson Education.Unix Device Drivers - George Pajari , Pearson Education.SYLLABUS OF VI SEMESTER B.E. COMPUTER SCIENCE (SEMESTER PATTERN)66CS1: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMSUNIT I:Mathematical foundations, summation of arithmetic and geometric series, n, n2, bounding summation using integration, recurrence relations, solution of recurrence relations using technique of characteristic equation and generating functions, Complexity calculation of various standard function s, principles of designing algorithms.UNIT II:Asymptotic notations of analysis of algorithms, analyzing control structures, worst case and average case analysis , amortised analysis, application of amoterized analysis, Sorting networks, comparison networks, biotonic sorting network, advanced data structures link Fibonacci heap , disjoint set reprentation, red and black trees and their applications.UNIT III:Divide and conquer basic strategy, binary search, quick sort, merge sort, matrix operations, Greedy method- basic strategy, application to job sequencing with deadlines problem, minimum cost spanning trees, single source shortest path etc.UNIT VI:Dynamic Programming basic strategy, multistage graphs, all pairs shortest path, single source shortest paths, optimal binary search trees, traveling salesman problem, graph colouring , Hamiltonian cycles etc, Approximation algorithm and concepts based on approximation algorithms.UNIT VI:NP-hard and NP- complete problems, basic concepts, non-deterministic algorithms, NP- hard and NP- complete, decision and optimization problems, graph based problems on NP Principle, Computational Geometry, Approximation algorithm.Text Books· Thomas H. Cormen et al "Introduction to Algorithms" , Prentice Hall of India.· Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms by Aho, Pearson education. Horowitz, Sahani , Rajsekharam· "Computer Algorithms", Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd. Brassard , Bratley, "Fundamentals of Algorithms" ,Prentice Hall.Reference Books:· Computer Algorithems: Introduction to Desing and analysis, 3rd Edition , By Sara Baase & A.V. Gelder Pearson Education.66CS2: Database Management SystemsUNIT I:Database system concepts and Architecture- concept of relational database, Relational algebra, SQL- the relational database standard, introduction to PL/SQL.UNIT II:Database design theory- Functional dependencies and normalization, relational database design algorithms, practical database design and demoralization, Relational constants, programmatic ways for implementing constraints, tiggers.UNIT III:Physical database design- concept of physical and logical hierarchy, storage structures link cluster, index organized table, partitions, various table storage parameters, concept of index , B-trees, hash index, function index ,bitmap index.UNIT IV:Process and memory management in database: Various type of tasks in database, database buffer management, log buffer management code reuse, concept of two tier and N-tier architecture, data dictionary and catalog information database recovery technique. Aries Algorithm for recovery.UNIT V:Query optimization and performance tuning - Various techniques for query optimization strong and weak equivalence, cost base optimization, Use of different storage structures in query optimization.UNIT VI:Transaction Processing- Transaction and system concepts, Desirable properties of transaction, Schedules and recoverability, serializability of schedules, concurrency control, lockbase protocols and time stamp based protocols , red consistency.BOOKS:· Fundamentals of Database System- Elmasiri, Navathe & Gupta, Pearson Education.· Database System by S.K.Singh, Pearson Education.· Principles of Database System- Ullman, Golgotia Publications 1998.REFERENCE BOOKS:Database System Concepts by Henry Korth and Others.Database Systems by Connolly, 3rd edition, Pearson Education.66CS3: computer networksUNIT I:Uses of Computer Networks, Network Hardware:- LAN, WAN, MAN ,Network Software- protocol hierarchies, design issues for layers, connection oriented and connection oriented and connection less service primitives, Services to protocol relationship . reference models-OSI and TCP/IP . Performance : Bandwidth and Latency, Delay X Bandwidth Product, High Speed Networks, Application Performance Needs.UNIT II:Switching and MAC Layer: Packet Switching: Multiplexing: TDM FDM.Multiple Access: Random Access, Controlled Access, Channelization, LAN: Token Ring, FDDI, Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Wireless LANs: IEEE 80.211.UNIT III:Data Link Layer : Error Detection and Correction, Flow Control protocols, Error control protocols, HDLC, PPP.UNIT IV:Network Layer: Routing Algorithms - Shortest path Algorithm, Flooding, Flow based routing , Distance vector routing , Link state routing , Hierarchical routing.Congestion Control Algorithms: Leaky bucket algorithm, Token bucket algorithm . Congestion prevention Policies, Traffic shaping , Choke packets, Load shedding, Jitter Control.UNIT V:Transport Layer: The transport Service : Service Provided to upper layers, Transport Service primitives, Berkeley sockets, Elements of Transport protocols: Addressing, Connection establishment, Connection release, Flow control and buffering, Multiplexing, Crash recovery, Introduction to Internet Transport protocols: Introduction to UDP, Remote procedure call, Introduction to TCP, Performance issues: Performance problems in Computer Network, Network performance measurement, System design for better performance, Fast TPDU processing, Protocols for Gigabit Networks.UNIT VI:Wide Area Network : Packet switching principals, X.25, ATM and frame relay: ATM protocol Architecture, cells, cell format, Segmentation and reassembly in ATM, ATM adaptation Layer 5:Introduction to Frame relay and frame relay protocol architecture.TEXT BOOK:· Computer Networks: 4th ed by Andrew .S. Tanenbaum, Pearson Education.· Data Communications and Networks: 4th ed by Behrouz. A. Forouzan. Tata McGraw Hill Publication.· Computer Networks: A system approach by Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie, 3rd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.· Data & Computer Communications: William Stallings, Sixth Edition, Pearson Edition Asia.REFERENCE BOOK:· Communication Networks: By Alberto Leon -Garcia & Indara Widjaja, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill.·66CS4: MICROPROCESSOR & INTERFACINGUNIT I:8085 based Microprocessor organization , 8085 Instruction set , Assembly language programming.UNIT II:Memory & I/O organization, Address decoding, interrupts of 8085, Basic timing of 8085.UNIT III:8085 Interfacing with 8255, Sample keyboard matrix interfacing with 8085,Interfacing of 7 segments LED with 8085,Introduction to DAM using HOLD/HLDA Signals.UNIT IV:8279 Keyboard/ display controller, Interfacing of Stepper motor with 8085.UNIT V:8051 architecture, code/ data memory interfacing, I/O interfacing, Address decoding logic , Interrupts.UNIT VI:Serial data communication, UART operation, 8051 Instruction set, assembly language programming.TEST BOOKS:§ Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085/8080 A by R.S. Gaonkar, Wiley Eastern Ltd.§ The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems. By Mazidi , Pearson Education.§ The 8051 Microcontroller, Architecture, programming & applications, second edition by K.J. Ayala, Penram International.§ Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming , Interfacing & System design by Rajkamal, Pearson Education.§ The 8 bit microprocessor & Microcontroller by V.J. Vibhute.··66CS5: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND PROJECT MANAGEMECOURSE MODULES:MODULELEARNING OBJECTIVEINDICATIVE HOURSSoftware Engineering an IntroductionIntroduction to Software Engineering, Software Myths, Software Engineering- A Layered Technology, Software Process Framework, Software Process Models. The waterfall Model, Incremental Process Models, Evolutionary Process Models, Specialized Process Models, The Unified Process Model, Agile Process Models.8Software Engineering PracticeAn Overview, Communication Practices, Planning Practices, Modeling Practices, Construction Practice & Deployment, System Engineering Hierarchy, Business Process Engineering, Product Engineering, System Modeling, Requirements Engineering.7Software Engineering Analysis & DesignAn overview, Requirements analysis, analysis Modeling Approaches, Data Modeling, Object- Oriented Analysis, Scenario- Based Modeling, Flow- Oriented Modeling, Class- based Modeling, Behavioral Model.Design Engineering Concepts, Design Model, Pattern- Based Software Design.8Testing Strategies and TacticsAn overview, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Validation Testing, System Testing Debugging.Software Testing Fundamentals, Black- Box Testing, White- Box Testing .5Product MetricsAn overview, Software Quality, A Framework for Product Metrics, Metrics for Analysis & Design Models, Metrics for Testing & Maintenance.7Software Project ManagementAn overview, Software Measurements, Metrics for Software Quality, Software Project Estimation Techniques, Project Scheduling, Risk Management, Quality Management, Change Management, Software Reengineering.9Total44§ Text Books:§ Software Engineering - A Practitioner's Approach (Sixth Edition )-Roger Pressman(TMH)§ Reference Books:§ Software Engineering (Seventh Edition)- Ian Summerville, Pearson Education.§ The 8 bit microprocessor & Microcontroller by V.J. Vibhute.§ tice by Pfleeger, Pearson Education§ Software Engineering - Schaum's Series (TMH)Object - Oriented Analysis and Design using UML in Rational Rose 2003 Enterprise Edition (Case Studies)Soft6ware Engineering Theory andSYLLABUS OF VII SEMESTER B.E. COMPUTER SCIENCE (SEMESTER PATTERN) 77CS1: TCP/ IP & InternetUNIT I:Introduction and Overview. Comparison of OSI Model and TCP/IP model. Networking Technologies: LANS, WANS, Connecting Devices. Internetworking concept and Architectural model. Internet Backbones, NAP, ISP's, RFC's, internet Standards.UNIT II:Internet Addresses: IP address classes, subnet mask, CIDR, ARP, RARP, Internet Protocol, Routing IP Datagrams, ICMP and IGMP.UNIT III:UDP, TCP, Sockets and socket Programming Routing in Internet, Routing protocols- RIP, OSPF and BGP Introduction to Multicasting and Multicast routing.UNIT IV:Host Configuration :BOOTP, DHCP; Services; Domain Name System ,FTP, TFTP and Electronic Mail: SMTP, MIME, IMAP, POP.UNIT V:Network Management: SNMP, WWW: HTTP, Mobile IP Multimedia: RTP, RTCP.UNIT VI:Middiewares: RPC, RMI, Introduction to IPv6and ICMPv6, Internet Security: IPSec, PGP, Firewalls, SSL.BOOKS:Internetworking and TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols and Architectures, Douglas Comer, Pearson Education.TCP/IP Protocol suite, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Third Edition TMH.Computer Networking- Atop- Down Approach Featuring the Internet, James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, Pearson Education, Asia.Computer Network: A system approach by LARRY L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie, 3rd Edition , Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.Reference Book:Stevens W.R. TCP/IP IIIustrated, volume1,2,3, Pearson education.Book for Practical:"Hands- On Networking with Internet Technologies" by Douglas E. Comer, Pearson Education, Asia, 2002.··77CS2: Language ProcessorsUNIT I:Introduction to Compilers : Compilers and translators, Phases of compiler design , cross compiler, Bootstrapping, Design of Lexical analyzer, LEX.UNIT II:Syntax Analysis: Specification of syntax of programming languages using CFG, Top - down parser, design of LL (1)Parser, bottom up parsing technique, LR Parsing algorithm, Design of SLR, LALR, CLR parses.UNIT III:Syntax directed translation : Study of syntax directed definitions & syntax directed translation schemes, implementation of SDTS, intermediate notation : postfix, syntax tree, TAC, translation of expression, controls structures, declarations, procedure calls, Array reference.UNIT IV:Storage allocation & Error Handling: Run time storage administration, stack allocation, symbol table management, Error detection and recovery : lexical, syntactic, semantic.UNIT V:Code optimization : Important code optimization techniques, loop optimization, control flow analysis, data flow analysis Loop invariant computation, Induction variable removal, Elimination of Common sub expression.UNIT VI:Code generation - Problems code generation , Simple code generator, Register allocation and assignment, Code generation from DAG, Peephole optimization.TEXT BOOKS:§ Compilers: Principles Techniques and Tools 1st edition by A.V. Aho, Sethi, Ullman, Pearson education.§ Principal of Compiler Design - Alfred V. Aho & Jeffery D. Ullman, Narosa Pub. House.77CS3: Elective I:- Digital Signal Processing:UNIT I:Basic elements of a Digital Signal Processing system, Classification of signals, Concept of frequency in Continous-time and discrete - time singles, Sampling theorem, Quantization of continous-amplitude signals, quantization of sinusoidal signals. Discrete- time signals, Discrete-time systems, Analysis of discrete-time LTI systems, Correlation of discrete-time signals.UNIT II:The Z-transform, Properties, Rational Z-transforms, The inverse Z-transform by Contour Integration , Power series expansion, Partial- faction expansion, Decomposition of rational Z-transforms, One sided Z- transform, Properties, Solution of difference equations.UNIT III:Frequency analysis of Continous- time signals, Frequency analysis of discrete- time signals, Fourier series for discrete- time periodic signals, Power density spectrum of periodic signals, Fourier transform of Discrete- time aperiodic signals, Energy density spectrum of aperiodic signals, Concept of bandwidth, Symmetry properties of the Fourier transform theorems and properties.UNIT IV:The Discrete Fourier Transform : Its properties and application , Frequency domain sampling: The DFT, Properties of the DFT, Linear filtering methods based on the DFT, Use of THE DFT in linear filtering ,Filtering of long data sequences, Frequency analysis of signals using the DFT.UNIT V:Introduction to FFT algorithms: Decimation in time - FFT algorithm, Decimation in frequency- FFT algorithm, Quantization effect in the computation of the DFT, Quantization errors in the direct computation of the DFT, Quantization errors in FFT algorithms, DCT.UNIT VI:Design of digital filters: Design of FIR filters based on windows, Design of IIR filters from analog filters, IIR filter design by approximation of derivatives, Impulse invariance, Bilinear transformation, Examples of digital filter designs based on the bilinear transformationText Books:§ Digital Signal Processing : Alan V. Oppenheim .W. Schaffer, Pearson Education.§ Digital Signal Processing: John G. Proakies and D. Monalkies & D. Sharma, Pearson Education.Reference Books:§ Digital Signal Processing , 2nd Edition by E. Pearson Education.§ Theory and application of signal processing -Rabiner & Gold (PHI) .§ Digital filter design and analysis- Andreas Antonius.77CS3: Elective I:- Computer GraphicsUNIT I:Basic fundamentals of random scan, raster- scan devices and LAD displays. Video Basics , Interactive Devices. Line, Circle, Ellipse drawing techniques and Algorithms.UNIT II:Polygon filling method : Scan Conversion Algorithms: Simple Ordered edge Fill, Fence fill and Edge Fill, Fence fill and Edge Flag Algorithm, Seed fill Algorithms: Simple and Scan Line Seed Fill Algorithm, Antialiasing and Halftoning techniques.UNIT III:2D Clipping algorithms for regular and irregular windows: Sutherland Cohen Subdivision, Mid - Point subdivision , Cyrus Beck and Sutherland Hodgman polygon clipping Algorithm. Clipping about Concave regions. 2D Transformations, Normalized Device Coordinates and Viewing Transformation.UNIT IV:3D System Basics and 3D Transformations, Prarallel and Perspective projections, Hidden line/ surface Removal Algorithms. Rendering- Shading, Ray tracing techniques and Color Systems.UNIT V:Curve generation- Interpolation Technique, B-spline and Bezier curves, Graphics Software Packages- Rules for designing Graphics Package, Segmentation and Display file Compilation.UNIT VI:Graphics Systems- Display Processors, Device Independent Graphics Systems, User Interface Design. Graphics Standard -Basic principles of X-windows, X-terminal.Test Books :§ Computer Graphics, Hearn and Baker, Pearson Education§ Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics III Edition, Rogers, McGraw Hill.§ Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Newman and Sproull, McGraw Hill.Reference Books:Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in "C" by J.D. Foley Pearson Education.77CS3: Elective- I:- Real Time Operating SystemsUNIT I :Introduction : Car & driver example, Issues in real time systems, Structure of a Real time systems ,Structure of a Real time system. Hard versus soft real time systems: Jobs & processors, release times, deadlines, timing , constraints, Hard & Soft timing constrains, Hard real time systems, soft real time systems. A Reference model of Real-time systems: processors and resources, temporal parameters of real-time workload, periodic Task model, precedence constraints & data dependencies other types of dependencies, functional parameters, resource parameters of Jobs & parameters of resources, scheduling Hierarchy.UNIT II:Effective release times and deadlines, Optimality and non optimality of EDF & LST, Challenges in validating timing constraints in priority- driven systems, off-line versus on-line scheduling. Clock- driven scheduling, Priority driven scheduling of periodic tasks.UNIT III:Scheduling aperiodic & sporadic jobs in priority-driven systems: Deferrable servers, Sporadic servers , Constant utilization, total bandwidth and weighted fair-queuing servers, scheduling of sporadic jobs. Resource and resource access control : assumption on resources and their usage, effects of resource contention & resources access control, non preemptive critical sections, basic priority- inheritance protocol, basic priority - ceiling protocol, stack- based priority-ceiling protocol, use of priority-ceiling protocol in dynamic-priority systems, preemption- ceiling protocol, controlling accesses to multiple- unit resources.UNIT IV:Model of multiprocessor & distributed systems, Task assignment, Multiprocessor priority- ceiling protocol, Elements of scheduling algorithms for end-to end periodic tasks, Scheduability of fixed priority end-to-end periodic tasks, end-to- end tasks in heterogeneous systems.Programming Languages and Tools: Desired language characteristics, Data typing , control structures, Facilitating hierarchjical decomposition, packages, Run time error handling , Overloading and generics, Multitasking , Lowlevel programming, Task scheduling, Timming specifications, Programming environments, Run time support.UNIT V:Real Time Database: Introduction, Basic Definations, real time vs. general purpose databases, main memory databases, Transaction priorities, Transaction aborts, concurrency control issues, disk schedulinh algorithms, maintaining serialization consistency, database for hard real time systemsReal Time Communication : Introduction, Network Topologies, Contention based protocol, token based protocol, Stop and go protocol, Polled bus protocol, Hierarchical round pro5tocol, Deadline based protocols, Fault tolerant routing.UNIT VI:Fault Tolerance Techniques: Causes of failures, Fault types, Fault detection, Fault and error containment, Redundancy, Data diversity, Reversal checks, Integrated failure handling.TEXT BOOK:§ Real- Time Systems: Jane W.S. Liu, Pearson Education.§ Real Time System: C.M. Krishna & Kang G. Shin (TMH)77CS3: Elective- I: Fundamentals of MultimediaUNIT I:Multimedia Authoring and Data Representations;Introduction to Multimedia, Multimedia Authoring and Tools, Graphics and Image Data Representations.UNIT II:Color in Image and Video, Fundamental Concepts in Video, Basis of Digital Audio.UNIT III:Multimedia Data Compression: Lossless Compression Algorithms, Run-Length Coding, Variable- Length Coding (VLC), Huffman Coding, Adaptive Huffman Coding, Lossy Compression Algorithms, Quantization, Transform Coding, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Image Compression Standards.UNIT IV:Basic Video Compression Techniques, MPEG Video Coding I-MPEG- I and 2, MPEG Video Coding II- MPEG Video Coding II-MPEG-4,7 and Beyond, MPEG Audio Compression .UNIT V:Multimedia Communication : Computer and Multimedia Networks, Multimedia Network Communications and Applications, Interactive TV (ITV) and Set-Top Box (STB),, Broadcast Schemes for Video-on -Demand, Buffer Management, Further Exploration, Wireless Networks, Multimedia over Wireless Networks, Trends in Wireless Interactive Multimedia.UNIT VI :Multimedia Retrieval: Content - Based Retrieval in Digital Libraries, Minimum three Case studies.Text book :§ Fundamentals of Multimedia 1st Edition by Mark S. Drew & Ze- Nian Li, Pearson Education.Refverence Books:§ Multimedia Fundamentals, Volume 1: Media Coding and Content and Content processing, 2nd Edition by Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt, Pearson Education .§ Multimedia Marking Work (TMH Pub.) by Tay Vaughan.§ Advanced Multimedia Programming (McGraw Hill Pub)- Steve Rimmer§ Digital Image Processing- Gonzalez and Woods, Pearson Education.77CS4::Elewctive I;- Advanced Computer ArchitectureUNIT I:Models of parallel computer, multiprocessors and multicomputers, multivector and SIMP computers, PRAM and VLSI models conditions of parallelism, data and resource dependencies, grain size and latency, grain packing and scheduling , program flow mechanisms, system interconnect architectures.UNIT II:Principles of scalable performance, performance metrics and measures, speedup performance laws, advanced processor technology, superscalar and vector processors, verified memory organizations, shared memory organizations.UNIT III:Pipeline and superscalar techniques, liner pipeline processors, reservation and latency analysis, collision free scheduling, pipeline schedule optimization, instruction pipeline design, arithmetic pipeline design , arithmetic pipeline design, superscalar and superscalar and superpipeline design.UNIT IV:Multiprocessors and multicomputers, multiprocessor system interconnects, cache coherence and synchronization mechanisms, messing passing schemes.UNIT V:Multivector and SIMD computers vector processing principles, compound vector processing, SIMD computer organizations scalable multithread and dataflow architectures.UNIT VI :Introduction to parallel Programming Models, Parallel Language Constructs ,Elementary theory about dependence analysis, Code optimizations and Scheduling.Books:Kai Hiwang, "Advanced Computer Architecture" McGraw Hill Richard Y.Kausi, "Advanced Computer Architecture" Prentice Hall of India.Advanced Computer Architecture by D. Sima, Fountain & Kacsuk, 1st Edition, Pearson Education.77CS4: Elective-II:-Artificial IntelligenceUNIT I:Introduction: Scope of AI, AI problems, AI technique, Production system Characteristics, Basics of problem solving :problem representation paradigms Defining problem as a state space representation.UNIT II:Search Techniques: Problem size, complexity , approximation and search; depth, breadth and best search; Heuristic Based Search; Heuristic search, Hill climbing, best - first search, branch and bound.UNIT III:Knowledge representation: First order logic, Unification , Resolution in Predicate Logic.Structured Knowledge Representation: Semantic Nets, Frames and Scripts.Learning : Block architecture of learning system, Types of learning, performance Measures.UNIT IV:Uncertainty Treatment: Formal and empirical approaches including Bayesian theory, belief functions, certainty factors and fuzzy sets.UNIT V:Expert Systems: Fundamental blocks, knowledge Engineering, knowledge Acquisition , Need and justification for expert systems, Detailed Discussion form Example Domains- (form)Industry, Language, Medicine, Verification, Vision, Knowledge Based Systems; concept of shells.UNIT VI:Language Machine: Introduction to Natural Language understanding Level of knowledge in NLU, Approaches to NLU, Problems in NLU, Basic parsing techniques.Text Books:E. Rich and Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill, 1990.Introduction to Artifitial Intelligence by E. Charniack and D. Mcdemott, Pearson Education.Artifitial Intelligence structures and strategies for complex problem solving, 4th edition, Pearson education.Stuart Russell and Peter Norving, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2nd edition, Pearson Education.Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert system (PHI Pub)- D.W.Patterson.Reference Books:N.J.Nilsson, " Principles of AI,"Narosa Publ. House, 1990.P.H.Winston, "Artificial Intelligence", Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2002.M.N.Hoda, "Foundation Course in Artificial Intelligence", Vikas Pub, 2004.77CS4: Elective:-II:- Enterprise Resource PlanningCourse Modules:ModuleLearning ObjectiveIndicative HoursERP- Curtain RaiserAn overview, Accommodating variety, Integrated Management Information, Seamless Integration, Supply Chain Management, Resource Management, Integrated data model, scope, Technology, Benefits of ERP, Evolution, ERP revised, ERP & Modern Enterprise, problems.6ERP& Related TechnologiesAn overview, Business Process Reengineering(BPR), Management Information System(MIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS), Data Warehousing, Data Mining, OLAP.6Business Engineering & ERPAn overview, What is Business Engineering (B.E.)? Significance of BE, Principles of BE, BPR, ERP & IT, BE with IT, ERP and Management concerns, problems.Business Modeling: An overview, Building the Business Model, problems.6ERP Implementation and the Competitive AdvantageAn overview, Role of consultants, vendors & users, customization, precautions, ERP: Post- implementation options, ERP implementation Lifecycle, Guidelines for ERP implementation problems. ERP & competitive strategy, problems.8The ERP Market & Making of ERPAn overview, SAP AG , SAPR/3 Applications, Baan, Oracle, People Soft, JD Edwards, Examples of Indian ERP packages, problems.An overview, Market Dynamics & Competitive Strategy, problems, Future Directions in ERP.8ERP Case StudiesVarious ERP Case studies.6Total40Text Books:

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What is a pules?

A pules is a broth-based soup that typically includes beans, grains, or lentils as its main ingredients. It is commonly found in Eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines.

What happens to heart during training?

Your hearts pules raiases

What is the pules rate for a 49yr old male?

between 60-97

What does it mean you have three of the same size pin pules in a line on your face?

it means your jesus

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rapied pules or heart rate of 220 or more

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Yes it pules out natural stuff in your hair and it takes out the color

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If people had wings they wouldn't tell of course and pules there probably the chosen one to save the world

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it was discovered in 1942 when a man called pules discovered it in an old art shop which was named wresa sex

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You have to get your pikachu to level 52 then take him to pokemaster cave where you have to fight all the water types. Then in the back of the cave, it is there

What quotations is most representative of Emerson's views on following traditional values and virtues as represented in self reliance?

"The doctrine of hatred must be preached as the counteraction of the doctrine of love when that pules and whines." Is most representative of Emerson's views on following traditional values and virtues as represented in Self-Reliance."The doctrine of hatred must be preached as the counteraction of the doctrine of love when that pules and whines."

What quotation is most representative of Emerson's views on traditional values and virtues as represented in Self-Reliance?

"The doctrine of hatred must be preached as the counteraction of the doctrine of love when that pules and whines." Is most representative of Emerson's views on following traditional values and virtues as represented in Self-Reliance."The doctrine of hatred must be preached as the counteraction of the doctrine of love when that pules and whines."

What quotation is most representative of Emerson's views on following traditional values and virtues as represented in Self-Reliance?

"The doctrine of hatred must be preached as the counteraction of the doctrine of love when that pules and whines." Is most representative of Emerson's views on following traditional values and virtues as represented in Self-Reliance."The doctrine of hatred must be preached as the counteraction of the doctrine of love when that pules and whines."