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There are many ways to get money fast. I am a kid, and I like to sell everything I don't need or use on Craigslist, eBay, etc. I hope this helps :)

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Q: How do you get thousands of dollars fast when your a kid?
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How do you make 500 dollars fast if you are a kid?

Find a 1900's bill and sell it!

How do you make 800 dollars as a kid fast?

It is going to be difficult to make 800 dollars fast as a kid. It is even difficult for an adult to do that. You can try mowing lawns, walking dogs, doing jobs for neighbors such as taking out the trash and helping clean out the basement.

How do you get thousands of dollars in one year if you are only a kid?

i think we all want to know the answer to that but you would have to mine alot of gold and sell it

How many thousands is in million dollars?

1000000 / 1000 = 1000 A thousand thousands is called a million dollars.

When was Fast Stories... from Kid Coma created?

Fast Stories... from Kid Coma was created in 1992.

600 expressed in thousands of dollars?

600 cannot be expressed in thousands of dollars because 600 is below 1,000 which is the minimum number to be expressed in thousands.

What is 31 percent of 25 million dollars?

31% of 25 million dollars = 25 m *31/100 = 7.75 million dollars = 7,750 thousands dollars.31% of 25 million dollars = 25 m *31/100 = 7.75 million dollars = 7,750 thousands dollars.31% of 25 million dollars = 25 m *31/100 = 7.75 million dollars = 7,750 thousands dollars.31% of 25 million dollars = 25 m *31/100 = 7.75 million dollars = 7,750 thousands dollars.

Who was the first kid to make 1 million dollars?

Shirley Temple was the first kid to make a million dollars.

How is 4 million dollars written in thousands of dollars?

4,000 thousand dollars.

How much thousands of dollars in a quarter of a million?

There are: 250,000 dollars

How money does jay z have?

he probley get's thousands and thousands of dollars.

How many thousands in a quarter of a million dollars?

250 thousands