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It's best to look at the number of vertices, and to see whether the side lengths are equal. This should help give an indication to the number of lines of symmetry.

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Q: How do you know if a shape has more than one line of symetry?
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What shape has more than 1 line of symetry?

Squares, circles, rectangles, and some triangles have more than 1 line of symmetry.

Does a circle have more than one line of symetry?

yes it has millions it can have a line of symetry from any angle

A shape with at least one line of symetry?

Most common shapes have a line of symmetry. For example, if you fold a heart in half, both sides will match up. Shapes like Squares, equilateral triangles, and circles have even more.

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What is the difference between line symmetry and line of symmetry?

A symmetrical shape is said to have line symmetry. A shape that has line symmetry can have one or more lines of symmetry

How many lines of symetry does a octagon have?

8 i think or more

How many lines of symetry does a oval has?

it has a infinate amount of lines of symetry........until one point were is possbily no more room. no one really knows

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You will have three freckles in the shape of Orion's Belt. I have three freckles on the side of cheek that is a vertical line. 0__0 I do not know if this completely true. Will do more research.

What shape has more sides than angles?

A straight line

What is a closed shape formed by line segments that do not cross?

If it has 3 or more line segments then it is a polygon

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They are polygons which have 3 or more line segments

Why are fish the shape they are?

Fish have a stream line body shape to help the glide through the water easier with more speed.