

Best Answer
  • If it is 'less than' or 'greater than' or 'not equal' then use an open circle.
  • If it is 'less than or equal to' or 'greater than or equal' then use the shaded circle.
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Q: How do you know whether to shade in the circle when putting inequalities on a number line?
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Related questions

Which do you use an open circle or closed cirle for graphing inequalities?

A closed circle is when a range of numbers also includes that number and an open circle is when a range of numbers doesn't include that number, :)

What does the word compound inequalities mean?

Compound inequalities is when there is two inequality signs. You will regularly graph compound inequalities on a number line.

Can a system of equations have more than two inequalities?

A system of equations can have any number of inequalities.

What is the number of segments determined by n points is?

The answer depends on whether the n points are on a line and you are interested in linear segments or whether they are on the circumference of a circle and you are interested in the number of segments that the circle is partitioned into. Or, of course, any other shape.

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Does inequalities sometimes have real number solutions?

Yes, they can.

Why do you graph inequalities on a number line?

To find the solutions.

How many solution sets do systems of linear inequalities have. Must solutions to systems of linear inequalities satisfy both inequalities. In what case might they not?

There is only one solution set. Depending on the inequalities, the set can be empty, have a finite number of solutions, or have an infinite number of solutions. In all cases, there is only one solution set.

How are inequalities embedded in your society in all geographical areas?

Inequalities are embedded in society in all geographical areas, and in a number of different ways. For example there are inequalities in gender, in socioeconomic status, and in society's treatment of people of different races.

When does the sign change in inequalities?

whenever you multiply or divide by a negative number

What is the greatest number for a circle?

There is no greatest number for a circle.

How do you answer a inequalities on a number line?

x>2, you use an open circle above the #2 and shade to the right. If the equation was greater than or equal to 2, you would use a closed circle and shade to the right! Less than 2 would use the open circle to not include 2 and you would shade all numbers to the left of 2. Less than or equal to 2, solid circle which includes #2 and shade all #'s to the left of 2!