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Q: How do you make a working model of an elbow joint?
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Is The elbow a freely movable joint?

The elbow is a hinge joint so it can only make one motion either backwards or foward. But the ball-and-socket is the joint with the most widespread range of motion.

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There are a few ways to make an English working model. The exact model details depend on the type of English working model you want.

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There are so many ways that you can make a working model on sound. One way to create a working model is to sing.

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What is a medical name for a sports injury affecting the elbow?

It depends on the type of injury. There are several structures that make up the elbow joint and the injury would be a description of injury and the structure affected. For example: Golfer's elbow/Little leaguer's elbow - affects the medial ligaments Tennis elbow - affects the lateral ligaments

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u make your working model of area of circle with your use of brain

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There are several ways one can make a working model of an earthquake. You can use an empty 2 liter bottle, clay, baking soda, and dish detergent to make a working earthquake.

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you can make a bulb working.......................