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You make them top heavy or improper fractions, 5/3 and 5/3 then you multiply the numerators (top number) together and then the denominators (bottom number) together. So 5/3 x 5/3 = 25/9 = 2 and 7/9.

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Q: How do you multiply one and two thirds times one and two thirds?
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Seven multiply one and two thirds?

Seven multiply one and two thirds is 7*5/3 or 35/3.

What is two thirds times 1?

two thirds times one is two thirds.

How do you calculate two thirds of 440.00?

to calculate 2 thirds of 440 you have to find one third. then you multiply that answer by two. You have two thirds of 440 now

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How do you calculate two thirds of something?

Multiply something by two thirds.

What is one and one half times one and two thirds times three and one fifths?

Convert each fraction to an improper fraction. Then you can multiply all the numerators together (that will be the numerator of the result), and you can multiply all the denominators together (that will be the denominator of the result).

What is four fifths times one and two thirds times one and one eighths?

Four fifths times one and two thirds times one and one eighth = 1 1/2 or 1.5

What is negative two thirds times one?

negative two-thirds

Is two sixths one third?

do you mean one third of two thirds? if so, then always remember, when it says a fraction/percentage of something, you multiply. so in this case, you multiply one third and two thirds together, making the answer two ninths. hope that helped!

One over eighth plus two thirds?

If you are asking one-eighth plus two-thirds then the answer is 14/16 which reduces to 7/8. Find the least common denominator (16) If you are asking one over one-eith plus two-thirds then the answer is 8 and two-thirds. This is because one over one-eighth means one divided by one eighth. You would invert the denominator (one-eighth) and multiply it to one. Eight over one is the same as eight. One times eight equals eight. Then add eight to two-thirds. This equals eight and two thirds (8 2/3).

Two and a half times two and one thirds?


How do you figure out 2 thirds of 54?

Divide 54 by three to get thirds (=18) Multiply this by two to get the two-thirds (=36)