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Q: How do you plot ordered pairs on a coordinate grid?
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What does it mean when it says plot each ordered pair on the coordinate grid?

It means to put a dot on the grid corresponding to the cordinates.

To draw or plot the Points named by certain numbers or ordered pairs on a number line or coordinate plane?

The answer is 'graph'

What is a coordinated grid?

A coordinate grid is a grid that you plot points on. A coordinate grid is a 2-dimensional: system in which a location is described by its distance from two perpendicular lines called axes.

How do you graph a picture on a coordinate grid?

it is basically easy and you have to plot the points

How do you plot points on a coordinate plane?

When plotting ordered pairs,always begin at the point of origin (center) and plot along the x axis line first then on the y axis line second/next.☺♥

How do you plot a point on a coordinate grid?

Lets say your ordered pair is (1,2). You would first go one to the right and then two up. If it was (-1,-2) then you would go one left and then two down.

What is A graph that displays a collection of ordered pairs is called?

scatter plot.

When would you need to plot points on a coordinate grid?

You need an x axis, y axis, and 4 quadrants.

What is the difference between graphing a line and graphing an inequality?

when graphing a line you simply plot the points based on the ordered pairs and connect the dots; there you have a line. An inequality graph refers to the shaded region of the coordinate plane that does not coincide with the line, hence the term, inequality.

Plot 6 points on a grid to form a hexagon?

plot 6 points on the grid

How do you graph an ordered triple?

To graph an ordered triple, you need to plot points in a three-dimension coordinate system that have X,Y, and Z axises. An ordered triple like (x1, y1, z1) would be located on the different axises of a graph.

What is a coordinate plot?

A coordinate is a dot that you put on an angle to determine it