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If: y = x-4 and y = x2+y2 = 8 then 2x2-8x+8 = 0 and the 3 ways of proof are:

1 Plot the given values on a graph and the line will touch the curve at one point

2 The discriminant of b2-4ac of 2x2-8x+8 must equal 0

3 Solving the equation gives x = 2 or x = 2 meaning the line is tangent to the curve

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Q: How do you prove in 3 different ways that the line of y equals x -4 is tangent to the curve of x squared plus y squared equals 8?
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How do you prove that the line y equals x-4 is tangent to the curve of x squared plus y squared equals 8?

equation 1: y = x-4 => y2 = x2-8x+16 when both sides are squared equation 2: x2+y2 = 8 Substitute equation 1 into equation 2: x2+x2-8x+16 = 8 => 2x2-8x+8 = 0 If the discriminant of the above quadratic equation is zero then this is proof that the line is tangent to the curve: The discriminant: b2-4ac = (-8)2-4*2*8 = 0 Therefore the discriminant is equal to zero thus proving that the line is tangent to the curve.

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Gradient to the curve at any point is the derivative of y = x2 So the gradient is d/dx of x2 = 2x. When x = 2, 2x = 4 so the gradient of the tangent at x = 2 is 4.

How do you prove that the line y equals 2x plus 1.25 is tangent to the curve y squared equals 10x?

If the discriminant b2-4ac of the quadratic equation equals zero then it will have two equal roots meaning that the line is tagent to the curve. So by implication: (2x+1.25)(2x+1.25) = 10x 4x2-5x+25/16 = 0 Hence use the discriminant of b2-4ac :- (-5)2-4*4*25/16 = 0 Therefore the discriminant equals 0 so the line will be tangent to the curve. In fact working out the equation gives x having two equal roots of 5/8