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A Venn diagram is basically showing two activities that a group of people do, and the place where the two circles overlap shows the amount of people which do BOTH the activities. For example, if the two circles represent tennis and Basketball. Those who are in the basketball circle, and not in the overlapped section, they only do basketball. Those in the tennis circle, and not in the overlapped section, only do tennis. Those in the overlapped section do both basketball and tennis.

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Q: How do you read a venn diagram with 2 circles in math?
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A venn diagram with 2 circles is comparing and contrasting two things while a venn diagram with three circles is comparing and contrasting two things to the same one subject instead of with each other.

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They are the universal set: every number that doesn't fit in the circles in the venn diagram.

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A diagram is any graphic that represents information. A Venn Diagram is a diagram with circles overlapping.

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The Venn diagram, a diagram representing mathematical or logical sets pictorially as circles or closed curves within an enclosing rectangle (the universal set), common elements of the sets being represented by the areas of overlap among the circles.

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why do you use circles instead of squares or triangles or other shapes when makikng venn diagram

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A venn diagram.

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A Venn Diagram

What is a Venn diagram?

A Venn diagram is a diagram that shows relationships between 2 things or concepts using circles if there are similarities between both then you overlap the circles.

What did john venn contribute to problem solving in math?

hE invEnTed THe vEnn DiaGrAm ,,