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You need to interpret the words of the sentence into an algebraic form.

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Q: How do you rewrite equations of functions from a sentence form?
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To change "cohesive" into a verb, you can say "cohere." This verb means to stick or hold together in a unified whole.

How are linear equations similar or different from functions?

A linear equation is a specific type of function that represents a straight line on a graph. While all linear equations are functions, not all functions are linear equations. Functions can take many forms, including non-linear ones that do not result in a straight line on a graph. Linear equations, on the other hand, follow a specific form (y = mx + b) where the x variable has a coefficient and the equation represents a straight line.

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What are the similarities between linear relationships and quadratic relationships?

All linear equations of the form y = mx + b, where m and b are real-valued constants, are functions. A linear equation of the form x = a, where a is a constant is not a function. Functions must be one-to-one. That means each x-value is paired with exactly one y-value.

Can you give me an example of a real life situation involving quadratic functions?

Quadratic functions will be used in chemistry in real life. Quadratic equations are used to solve equilibrium problems and determine the amount of reactants in a mixture that will react and the concentrations of products that will be form.

How do you rewrite a linear equation?

The answer depends on what form the equation is in and what form you want it in. The standard form is ax + by +c = 0 where x and y are variables and a, b and c are constants. There are also the 1-d equivalent: ax + b = 0 and 3-d equivalent: ax + by + cz + d = 0 and, equivalent equations in spaces with higher dimensions.

How can you determine if a linear equation is a function?

If we are talking about a linear equation in the form y = mx + b, then all linear equations are functions. Functions have at most one y value to every x value (there may be more than one x value to every y value, and some x- and y-values may not be assigned at all); all linear equations satisfy this condition.Moreover, linear equations with m ≠ 0 are invertible functions as well, which means that there is at most one x-value to every y-value (as well as vice versa).

What is the plural form of functions?

The plural form IS functions. The singular form is function.