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Q: How do you say the height of a person 6 foot 5 or 6 feet 5?
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Why do you say five foot and not five feet when measuring a person in height?

Well you never would say a person is 50 foot tall. Weh you add inches, I beleive the way it is said, is conider improper English, but has been adopted over time. Properly you would say a person is 5 feet, 6 inches not 5 foot 6.

Is meter used to measure the height of a person?

No actually I would use feet because when people say how tall they are they say I am 4 foot 5 they don't usually say i am 2 meters.

What is your foot size if your height is 5 foot and 5 inches?

There is no way to say exactly how tall you will be from your foot size. But there are studies that show that there is a positive correlation between foot size and height. In general, a larger person will have a larger foot to support the weight and movement. can not go by observation alone, you must do a scientific study with a large number of people.

What foot size is Debby Ryan?

She has pretty big feet for her height. I'd say 11 in womens.

Do you use metres or centimetres to measure a person's height?

In the US, anyway, we measure people by a combination of feet and inches. Height (for people) is typically expressed in one of three ways:#1 [feet] foot [inches] EXAMPLE: I am five foot four#2 [feet], [inches] EXAMPLE: I am five, four#3 [feet]' [inches]" EXAMPLE: I am 5' 4"NOTE: For #1, you say the number of feet, the word "foot," and the number of inches. For #2, you just say the number of feet followed by the number of inches. For number three, the apostrophe symbol ' following a number indicates that number is feet, and the quotation mark " following the next number indicates that number is inches.

If you are 1.85 meters tall and your friend is 5 feet and 6 inches what is the diffrnece in your height?

1.85 m to feet is 6.06 rounded lets say 6.1so 5.6 - 6.1 = -.6 of a foot

How do you say feet in french?

feet - pieds foot - pied :)

Is feet and foot equal?

This is not a math problem but a word problem. Feet is the plural of foot. One does not say foots but rather feet. One foot, two feet, three feet etc

How do you write height in CV?

The height of something can be written in many ways. There are tons of units: Feet, Inches, Centimeters, Milimeters, etc. If you're asking about a person's height then the proper way to write it would be: 5'4. 5 being the feet 4 being the inches.

How many feet in 1 foot?

1 foot = 1 feet, feet is just the plural of the word foot. Similar to how you would say 1 goose or many geese.

How do you say 'foot' in french?

foot: pied (masc.); feet: [les] pieds.

Why is a four-feet table incorrect and a four-foot table correct?

Tables have legs, not feet.However, a table can have a height of four foot. In saying the word "four", we know the table has more than one leg, so it could be argued that we need to say "feet" as it is a plural