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that two proteins having different PI value . so run that two proteins in capillary having different PI regions. then they can separate easily according to their PI value.

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Q: How do you separate two different proteins of same molecular weight?
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What does an IPG strip do?

it separates proteins by their isoelectric point along an pH gradient imobilized by a polyacrilamide gel. it is usually the first dimension of separation before using an SDS-PAGE technique to then separate proteins based on molecular weight (2nd dimension).

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it could be recognized using a staining day that used to stain proteins in the sample it will separate several band according to molecular weight

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Butter is a mixture of different compounds and therefore does not have any characteristic molecular weight.

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This is a catalyst.

What is protein gel..?

If you meant "protein gel electrophoresis" (considering the image on this page) is a very powerful technique and widely used to separate proteins according to their mass, molecular weight and charge. The support most used for this technique is the polyacrylamide.

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It requires a signal device in order to pass through.

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No. The reason is that low molecular weight compounds tend to have high molarity. As an example NaF is 42.5 molecular weight. So 42.5g dissolved in 1 liter of water would only be 4.25% but be 1 molar. Proteins tend to have every high molecular weight. So if a protein was say 1000 molecular weight, a 10% solution would contain 100g but only be 0.1 molar.

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No! native gels are used to run the proteins in native form, this will tell about the protein's mulimeric nature (ie.monomer or dimer or tetramer etc..).

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molecular structur C9H8K2O4molecular weight: 258.35