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The 6 cm mark is 0.06 meters.

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Q: How do you show 0.06 meters on a cm ruler?
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Meters on a ruler?

A metre ruler is a ruler that measures mm, cm, up to a metre.

How do you show 0.06 m on cm ruler?

0.06 m = 6 cm

Where does 0.13 meters go on a cetimeter ruler?

0.13m is 13 cm or 130mm

On a blueprint a square with 20 meters per side was shown as a square with 12 centimeters per side how long would a girder appear on the blueprint if the girder was actually 15 meters long?

Since 12 cm is .12 m the scale is .12/20 = .006 . Meaning on the graph 1 m is represented by .006 m or .6 cm. So 15 m would be scaled down to 15 x .6 = 9 cm on the graph.

How many cent a meters are in a ruler?

Firstly, it is centameters. But, to answer your question, there are 30 cm on a normal sized ruler, and either 10 or 12 on a smaller one. Why do you ask?

Where is 0.13m on a cm ruler?

Where is .13m on a cm ruler?

How much is 2.2 cm?

The same as 22 mm, or 0.022 meters. If you want to visualize how big it is, check it on a ruler.

What is a measuring tape measure by in SI units?

My common 30m builders steel tape is graduated in cm and m.

How many centimeters is 1ruler?

For a small ruler . There are 15 cm in 1 ruler. wheras a big ruler has 30 cm in a ruler.

What kind of a tool used to measure lengths that are about 1 meter long?

a ruler to measure cm and mm and meters

How many cm are in 25 meters?

1.00 meter = 100 cm 2.00 meters = 200 cm 3.00 meters = 300 cm . 10.00 meters = 1000 cm . 20.00 meters = 2000 cm . 25.00 meters = 2500 cm

What is a meter in a cm ruler?

100. An ordinary cm ruler is not likely to be long enough.