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Example 1:

Jane ran 100 meters in 15 seconds. How long did she take to run 1 meter?

Step 1: Think of the word problem as:

If 100 then 15. If 1 then how many?

Step 2: Write the proportional relationship:

Answer: She took 0.15 seconds

Example 2:

If of a tank can be filled in 2 minutes, how many minutes will it take to fill the whole tank?

Step 1: Think of the word problem as:

If then 2. If 1 then how many? (Whole tank is )

Step 2: Write the proportional relationship:

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Q: How do you solve problems with inverse proportion?
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How do you solve the proportion of something?

There cannot be a "proportion of something": proportion is a relationship between two things, and how you solve it depends on whether they (or their transformations) are in direct proportion or inverse proportion.

What do you know about direct proportion and inverse proportion?

direct proportion: y=kx inverse proportion: y=k/x

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when both increaes its direct proportion and when one increase and othe decreases its inverse proportion.

What are the 4 kinds of proportionality in physics?

Direct Proportion Inverse Proportion Direct square Proportion Inverse Square Proportion Hope it helps :)

What is the opposite of proportion?

Inverse is the opposite of proportion

What da hell is inverse proportion?

Inverse proportion is a mathematical concept and has nothing whatsoever to do with religious concepts such as hell.

How are equations used to solve real word problems?

Set up a proportion equation.

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Definition of indirect proportion?

Indirect proportion is more famously known as Inverse Proportion. Inverse proportion is the exact opposite of Direct Proportion. Inverse Proportion -As one quantity increases other quantity decreases. An example problem: If 4 painters can paint a house in 6 days then how many days can 8 painters paint a house of the same size? To solve, use cross product 4 painters=6 days 8 painters=x 4x6=24 24/8=3 To paint the same house,8 painters need 3 days.

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The inverse of addition is subtraction.