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to simplify the radicand

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Q: How do you solve the addition and subtraction of radical expression?
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What does the variable represent in an addition or subtraction expression?

it is the number you would use to solve the problem

How Can You Solve A Radical Expression?

It depends on what you mean by solve: simplify, evaluate or rationalise the denominator. The answer will also depend on the radical expression.

How do you factor an expression with subtraction?

First you have to solve the subtraction and in the next step you will factor it out.

How do you solve an equation using addition?

Addition and subtraction are inverse operations. So you can solve addition by subtracting.

How do you solve additive inverse?

The inverse of addition is subtraction.

Why should you keep your attention focused on your work when you solve addition and subtraction problems?

you should keep your attention focused on your work when you solve addition and subtraction problems because you might get confused

What is the correct order to solve a problem that contains a mixture of addition and subtraction signs?

Just going along from left to right is the simplest way, but if an expression only contans addition and subtractions, then the order is irrelevant.

Why would you use addition to solve a subtraction equation?

because you undo the operation in the equation= to undo subtraction you add

How can you solve problems involving multiplication division addition subtraction?

By doing the arithmetic.

Why should you keep your attention focused on your work when solve addition and subtraction problems?

You should keep your attention focused on your work at all times - not just when working with addition or subtraction!

Properties used to solve equation?

Addition and subtraction property of equalityMultiplication and division property of equalityDistributive property of multiplication over additionAlso,Identity property of multiplicationZero property of addition and subtraction.

How do you solve mixed fractions?

It depends what type, such as multiplication, division, subtraction, or addition. Be more descriptive!