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I assume you mean EFG are the interior angles you need to find and efg are the sides( must be sides as they do not add to 180). Use law of cosines. Need to change to your letters; twice. Then for third angle subtract from 180 degrees I assume you mean e = 29 ( you need to be more careful in mathematics ) DEGREE MODE!

f^2 = g^2 + e^2 - 2ge cos(F)

15^2 = 18^2 + 29^2 - 2(18)(29) cos(F)

225 = 1165 - 1044(cos F)

-940 = -1044(cos F)

0.90038 = cos F

arcos(0.90038) = F

F = 26 degrees

g^2 = e^2 + f^2 - 2ef cos(G)

18^2 = 29^2 + 15^2 - 2(29)(15) cos(G)

324 = 1066 - -870(cos G)

-742 = -870(cos G)

0.85287 = cos G

arcos(0.85287) = G

G = 31 degrees

Now just subtract these answers from 180 degrees for E

180 - 26 - 31

E = 123 degrees

F = 26 degrees

G = 31 degrees

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