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Q: How do you translate equation into a verbal sentence?
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What is a verbal sentence dealing with in math?

Verbal Sentence is just putting an equation into words. For Example: R=(a-b) (cubed) The sentence: The difference of a-b cubed is equal to R.

What is a verbal equation?

Well, it depends on what type of equation you have...... Say its something like this: n - 3 ....and you were asked to write a verbal expression, it could be one of many: a number minus three or three subtracted from a number....and so on. They are basically just word/sentence forms of the equation itself.

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What is the verbal equation for a number decreased by four is -12?

You just wrote the verbal equation. Do you mean the algebraic equation? X - 4 = - 12 ---------------

What is the difference between a verbal model and a algebraic model?

The differnce between a verbal model and a algebraic model is that a verbal model is an equation written in words and a algebraic model is solving the equation from the verbal model.

How to Convert mathematical equation to verbal sentences?

....example : 1. h-5+3=11 its verbal sentence is "FIVE LESS THAN H INCREASED BY THREE IS EQUAL TO ELEVEN" ...HOPE IT MAY HELP YOU..

What is 16 - 9 r r in a verbal sentence?

16 - 9 r r in a verbal sentence = 7

Translate this sentence into an equation. 17 more than Victor's score is 44 .?

Let Victor's score be x and so x+17 = 44

What is the meaning of verbal translation?

Verbal translation is the process of conveying spoken words from one language to another in real-time. It involves orally translating the source language into the target language without the aid of written materials. This type of translation is commonly used in settings such as conferences, meetings, and live events.