

How do you turn mixed number into top heavy fractions?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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I'll answer this question with an example:

the mixed number is 3 and a quarter

= (3/1)+(1/4)

=(3x4/1x4)+(1/4) <-- times top of 3/1 by 4 to make it have the same denominator as 1/4

=12/4 +1/4



so 3 and a quarter as a top heavy fraction is 13/4

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To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, divide the denominator into the numerator. The answer is the whole number. Put any remainder over the original denominator to create the fraction part.

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Mixed numbers cannot be turned into proper fractions, but they can be made into improper fractions by multiplying the integer (# on the side) by the denominator (bottom), and then adding that number to the numerator (top).

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You can't. That is a proper fraction. You can only turn improper fractions into mixed numbers

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you can't add nor subtract mixed fractions so you need to turn it into a fraction, if you wanna turn a mixed fraction into a fraction you need to multiply the whole number by the denominator, then add the numerator, then you can multiply normally (make sure you simplify and turn it into a mixed fraction your answer)

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turn them into improper fractions

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You turn the mixed number into an improper fraction. Say, if you had 1 and 1/4, you would turn it into 5/4. 5 1 5 - * - = - 4 2 8

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turn the whole number into an inproper fraction by doing this: multiply it by the denominator of the fraction.that answer is your numerator make the fractions denominator the whole number's denominator.then subtract just the should have an improper fraction as your final answer, so turn that into a mixed number.

How do you times mixed fractions?

My strategy for multiplying mixed fractions: what you need to do is turn the mixed number into an improper fraction before you do any thing else. to do that you need to multiply the denominator with the whole number then add the numerator. now that number will be your numerator the denominator stays the same then you do the same to the other mixed fraction turn it into an improper fraction then once both are like that you multiply the numerators together to find the numerator then you multiply the denominators together to get the denominator then simplify your answer to get the right answer.

How do you multiply a mixed fraction by a whole number?

You would turn the mixed number into a fraction by multiplying the whole number(the one in the mixed fraction) by the denominator and then you add the numerator to the product. You would then put that number you get and out it over the denominator. For the other whole number, you would put it over one and multiply the two fractions!

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you have to turn them into improper fractions before you multiply them.

How do you add and subtract mixed numbers?

SUBTRACTION: You first turn both mixed numbers into improper fractions. If needed, change the denominators into like denominators. Next, subtract the two improper fractions and reduce if necessary. ADDITION: If needed, turn denominators so they are the same number. Next, add and reduce if necessary.

How do you solve subtracting mixed fractions with similar fractions?

You turn the mixed number into an improper fraction(numinator is greater than the denominator). So 2 1/2 divided by 1/2 ---&gt; 5/2 divided by 1/2 which is 1 1/4.