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Q: How do you use keep change flip to learn the concept of adding negative and positive integers?
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How is adding to negative integers the same as and different from subtracting two positive integers?

No- adding negative numbers is like adding positive numbesr , except the answer is negative.

What is the addition of integers?

the addition of integers is when adding negative and positive integers

How is adding positive and negative numbers similar to adding integers?

It is the same thing, since "integers" consists of positive and negative numbers (and zero).

If you add integers that are negative then your answer will be positive?

No. Adding negative integers will result in an integer that is more negative.

Is the answer to adding two negative integers a positive or negative?

When you add two negative integers, the answer is still negative.

When adding integers does a negative and a negative equal a positive?

No, that is not true.

When adding 2 integers will the answer be positive?

When adding two integers, the answer will be positive if both integers are positive, or if one is negative but its absolute value is smaller than the absolute value of the positive integer.

When adding integers and both numbers are negative is the answer positive?

No, it is not.

How is adding polynomials like adding integers?

The numbers can have a positive or negative sign.

When adding two negative integers - is the sum always positive?

No, always negative

What are the rules in adding integers with like signs?

With both positive it's positive, with both negative it's negative.

What is the rule in adding positive integers?

Adding IntegersTo add integers, one must consider the following two rules to be a successful.If you want to think of it on the number line you start from 0 and when you add a positive number you go that much to the right, and when you add a negative number you go that much to the left. When adding two positive integers, just add like normal. When adding one positive integer, and one negative integer, it is like subtracting a positive number from a positive number. When adding two negative integers, it is like subtracting a positive number from a negative number.