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Q: How do you use properties to rewrite each expression as an equivalent expression without parentheses?
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No, but you can rewrite it as an expression with exponents if you want.

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The distributive property says that a(b+c) = ab +ac. The "a" out front multiplies everything inside the parentheses, so you can "distribute" it onto the "b" and the "c". For example, 2x(x+3) = 2x(x) + 2x(3) = 2x2 + 6x

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It is: (-31+87)+3 = 59

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The property used to rewrite 9x2 + 9x3 is the Distributive Property. Using the Distributive Property the expression can be rewritten as 9x2 + 9x2 + 9x2 or 27x2.

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It means to rewrite the expression so that it is in its simplest form. You can do this by combining like terms. For example: The equation 2x + 3x = 5 can be simplified to 5x = 5 by combining the "x's".

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b y = xlog(b) + log(y) = log(x)