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Net amount x 120%= Gross amount

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Q: How do you work out a nett amount plus 20 percent to give a gross amount?
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Is gross pay less than net pay?

No. Gross pay is the amount before tax, and Nett is the amount after tax has been deducted, so nett is smaller than gross. There is a similar theme in tins of beans. The gross weight is that with the weight of the tin included, the nett the weight of the beans themselves.

How do you calculate a nett amount plus 20 percent to find the gross amount Please?

If you need to plus 20% to something just take the 1st number and * it with 1.2. For example: 100 + 20% = 100*1.2 = 120

Is base salary nett or gross?

Your gross annual income is your base salary.

What are the two types of profit?

Gross profit and Nett profit

What is the Difference between nett and gross invoice?

Nett is pre VAT on an invoiceGross it the total cost due (inclusive of VAT)Hope this helpsLiz. H

What is grosse pay and net pay?

Gross before tax Nett after tax

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What is total deduction gross to nett salary in Hungary?

ghol di ghaim

How is winner determined in a twelve hole golf competition?

Lowest score (either nett or gross), then if players are tied, better last 9, better last 6, better last 3, then 2 and 1. Whether the competition is nett or gross that is how the winner is decided in the better finish rule.

How do you Convert net to gross?

37800 You add the mass of the containing vessel (whether it be a truck, a car, a ship, a tin can or a cardboard box) to the nett mass of the ingredients or cargo etc. Example: 10 litres of water: 10 kg nett. Container = 1 kg Gross mass = 11 kg.

How much is 385 nett a week gross a year?

$385 X 52 weeks equals $20,020 per year.