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The ratio of the opposite side over the adjacent side is called the tangent.

Expressing the fraction (opposite/adjacent) as a decimal, you can find the angle by looking in a table of values for the tangents of various angles.

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Q: How do you work out a right angle triangle where you know the opposite side and the adjacent side to get the opposite angle?
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How do you label sides of a right angle triangle?

A right angle triangle has an hypotenuse which is its longest side, an adjacent side and an opposite side.

What is the correct trigonometric ratio is for tan?

For a right angle triangle the trigonometrical ration is: tangent = opposite/adjacent

What is the ratio of the cosine of an angle?

Fora right angle triangle: cosine angle = adjacent/hypotenuse

Why can't you get tan90?

Think of tangent as sin divided by cos or sin/cos. Now cos 90 degrees is 0 so tan90 would be 1/0 which is not define since you are now allowed to divide by 0. It's best to visualize what Tan(90) means: Take a typical right angle triangle: From the angle in question (A), you have the adjacent leg (The leg extending from angle A to the right angle opposite), the opposite leg (the leg directly opposite the angle A, of course) and the hypotenuse (the leg intersecting the aforementioned two legs) Tan(A) is the ratio of the opposite leg and the adjacent leg. To solve for Tan (A): Tan (A) = opposite/adjacent. As angle (A) increases, the length of the opposite side also increases. So what happens at A=90? Well, you no longer have a triangle! The hypotenuse (the leg that intersects the opposite side from the adjacent side) NEVER INTERSECTS. Therefore, no longer being a triangle, you can no longer define the ratio.

What is the ratios function of sin?

The sine of an angle in a right triangle is the ratio of the length of the side opposite the angle to the length of the hypotenuse.In terms of ratios, the sine of an angle is defined, in a right angled triangle, as the ratio of lengths of the opposite side to the hypotenuse.

Related questions

What is the name for the sides of a right triangle that are adjacent to the right angle?

Opposite and adjacent sides.

Are the hypotenuse of a right triangle adjacent to the right angle?

First: there can only be one hypotenuse in a right angled triangle and it is always OPPOSITE the right angle, NEVER adjacent.

What is the adjacent and opposite sides of a right triangle?

For any angle in the triangle that is not a right angle, the opposite side is the side does not touch the angle and the adjacent side touches it and is perpendicular to the opposite side. The third side is the longest side and is the hypotenuse

How do you find the other side of a right triangle?

use right triangle trig... sin (angle) = opposite side/hypotunese, cos (angle) = adjacent side/hypotunese, and tan (angle) = opposite side/ adjacent side

How do you determine sine in a right triangle?

The sine of an angle in a right triangle is opposite/hypotenuse, where opposite is the only side that is not adjacent to the angle you want to find the sine of, and the hypotenuse is the side opposite the right angle in the triangle. Just find opposite/hypotenuse.

What is the definition of the tangent ratio for a right triangle?

The tangent ratio for a right angle triangle is opposite/adjacent.

How do you label sides of a right angle triangle?

A right angle triangle has an hypotenuse which is its longest side, an adjacent side and an opposite side.

What is the formula in getting a tangent?

For a right angle triangle: tangent = opposite/adjacent

What is the definition of secant-tangent angle?

The secant of an angle in a right triangle is the hypotenuse divided by the adjacent side. The tangent angle of a right triangle is the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the adjacent side.

Why Hypotenuse is not called Adjacent?

When considering an angle in a right angled triangle, the adjacent is the short side next to the angle and the hypotenuse is the long one (which will be opposite the right angle)

In a right triangle the of an angle is the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the adjacent side.?

Yes because tangent = opposite/adjacent

What are the sides of a triangle called?

Given the reference perspective of a specific angle the sides are are the adjacent sides and the opposite side If we have a right triangle the longest side (opposite the right angle) is the hypotenuse.