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No. That is 6 thousandths. 600 thousandths is 0.600 which is equivalent to 0.6

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Q: How do you write 600 thousandths?
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How do you write in standard form six hundred thousandths?

The standard from of 600 thousandths is: 6.0 × 10-1

How do you write the decimal in to six hunred one thousandths?

600 divided by 1000 (600/1000) = 0.6

How do you write 600 thousandths in decimal form?

Which number represents six hundreds

How do you write six hundred ten-thousandths?

0.06 This is equivalent to 600*1/10000 = 600/10000 = 0.06

How do you write six hundred thousandths as a percent?

6 "hundred-thousandths" is 6/100 000 = 0.006/100 = 0.006%6 hundred "thousandths" is 600 / 1000 = 60%

How do you write 6 hundred thousandths of a cent?

.600 (or just .6) cents.

What is 600 thousands?

600 thousands = 600,000 600 thousandths = 0.6

How do you write fourteen and six hundred ten thousandths?

The simplest way to write it using decimals is: 14.06The simplest way to write it in fractions is: 14 3/50Explanation:fourteen = 14six hundred ten thousandths = 600/10000 = 6/100 = 3/50 = .06fourteen and six hundred ten thousandths = 14 + .06 = 14.06 = 14 3/50

How do you write 28 thousandths?

You write 28 thousandths as: 0.028

How do you write six and six hundred thousandths?

6.600, though it could be 6.00006, depending on how you take it: 6 & 600/1000 or 6 & 6/100000

How do you write sixty thousandths?

How to write sixty thousandths is like this .0060

How would you write six hundred seven hundred thousandths?

Expressed as a mixed number, six hundred plus seven hundred-thousandths is equal to 600 7/100000. Expressed as a decimal number, this is equal to 6.00007.