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Q: How do you write an expression that represents the area of a figure?
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Which expression represents the area?

The area is measured in square units.

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Area of square: 25y^2

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Area of any rectangle in square units = base*width

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That's correct!

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The base area is 15 + (x + 2)/x2.

How do you find the area of a figure and write the area in square units?

Unless there is a given measurement of the lengths of the sides of the figure (ex. cm., mm., in.) you would say units, and put a little 2 as an exponent because you need to write square units.

What is the area of a 6.2 radius circle?

The area of a circle is given by the formula A = πr^2, where A represents the area and r represents the radius. Plugging in the given radius of 6.2 into the formula, we have A = π(6.2)^2. Evaluating this expression gives an area of approximately 120.79 square units.

How do you find the area of a polygon?

To find the area of a polygon, take half of the length of the perimeter and multiply it by the apothem.Apothem= the measure from the side of the figure to the center (like the radius).An expression is A=ap/2

How do you write the area of a trapezoid in the distributive property?

u have to do distributive property and try to fit the formula of the trapezoid in the expression da

A ship sailed t miles on Tuesday and w miles on Wednesday which expression represents the average distance per day traveled by the ship?

The answer would be the sum of (t) plus (w) divided by 2: (t + w) /2