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think of it as money. you could do that with decimals too.

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Q: How do you write fractions from least to greatest?
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How do you write fraction from least to greastestlike3over4?

In order to write fractions from least to greatest you need more than one fraction!

Is 1 to 1 least or greatest on a list of fractions?

Greatest on a list of proper fractions, least on a list of improper fractions.

What do you call listing fractions from least to greatest or greatest to least?

Listing the fractions is ascending (or descending) order.

How do you sort fractions least to greatest?

Get each fraction to have a common denominator, and then sort the fractions from least to greatest based on the numerators.

How do you find fractions from least to greatest?

you have to compare the common fractions

Fractions least to greatest?

It's impossible to list all fractions, because there are no least or greatest fractions. In addition, between any two fractions, there's another fraction (for example, the average of the two functions).

Order the fractions 2 5 3 4 and2 3 from least to greatest?

The order of these fractions from least to greatest is 2/5, 2/3, and 3/4.

How do you order fractions if there is improper fractions?

you have to find like denominators and then you order them from least to greatest by there numerators

Show me how to order fractions from least to greatest?

300, 288,298

How do you order fractions and percents from least to greatest?

Convert them to decimals.

How do you write 63.37 62.95 63.7 from least to greatest?

how do you write 63.37 62.95 63.7 from least to greatest

How do you order decimals and fractions?

Usually smallest to largest, least to greatest.