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2 x 17 = 34

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Q: How do you write the prime factors of 34 17 and 2 in factor form?
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What are the factors and prime factors of 169?

The 3 factors of 169 are 1, 13 and 169. The factor pairs of 169 are 1 x 169 and 13 x 13.The prime factors of 169 are 13 and 13.The prime factorization of 169 is 13 x 13 or, in exponential form, 132.Factor Tree:One way to determine the prime factors is to construct a factor tree, continuing to factor each level until all the numbers have been factored into prime numbers. 169 = 13 x 13Since 13 is a prime number, the factor tree is completeThey are: 13*13 = 1691, 13 and 169

What is the prime factorization of 169?

The 3 factors of 169 are 1, 13, and 169. The factor pairs of 169 are 1 x 169 and 13 x 13.The prime factors of 169 are 13 and 13.The prime factorization of 169 is 13 x 13 or, in exponential form, 132.Factor Tree:One way to determine the prime factors is to construct a factor tree, continuing to factor each level until all the numbers have been factored into prime numbers. 16913 x 13Since 13 is a prime number, the factor tree is complete.13 x 13

How can you tell the number of prime factors a number has when its prime factorization is written in exponent form?

. For example, the factorization of 120 is 23 x 3 x 5, meaning 2 is a factor three times and 3 and 5 are each a factor one time for a total of five prime factors.

What is the prime factorization of 676 using exponents?

First determine the prime factors. then write in exponent form (power form or index form) thus your answer would be 2^2 x 13^2.

What are the factors and prime factors of 49?

49 is a composite number because it has factors other than 1 and itself. It is not a prime number. The 3 factors of 49 are 1, 7, and 49. It is square number, 72, so it has an odd number of factors. The factor pairs of 49 are 1 x 49 and 7 x 7. The proper factors of 49 are 1 and 7 or, if the definition you are using excludes 1, the only one is 7. The prime factors of 49 are 7 and 7. Note: There is repetition of these factors, so if the prime factors are being listed instead of the prime factorization, usually only the distinct prime factors are listed. The only distinct prime factor (listing each prime factor only once) of 49 is 7. The prime factorization of 49 is 7 x 7 or, in exponential form, 72. NOTE: There cannot be common factors, a greatest common factor, or a least common multiple because "common" refers to factors or multiples that two or more numbers have in common. A factor tree: 49 7, 7 So, the prime factorization is 7 x 7.

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To write prime numbers in multiplication form, you simply list them as factors multiplied together. For example, the prime factorization of 12 is 2 x 2 x 3, as 2 and 3 are prime numbers. Likewise, the prime factorization of 20 is 2 x 2 x 5.

What are the prime factors of 18 in a factor tree form?

18 9,2 3,3,2

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11 has no factors; it's a prime number.

Write 729 as a prime or product?

As a product of its prime factors in exponent form: 3^6 = 729

What is the prime factor of 40 using exponents when needed?

The prime factors of 40 in exponential form are 23 x 5.

What is the factor form for 17?

17 is a prime and so has no factors other than 1 and itself. Therefore, in factor form, you get the tautological statement: 17 = 17

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Expressed in its simplest form, 875 = 53 x 7.

What are the prime factor of 27?

The prime factors of 27 are 3, 3, and 3. Note: There is repetition of these factors, so if the prime factors are being listed instead of the prime factorization, usually only the distinct prime factors are listed. The only distinct prime factor is 3. The prime factorization of 27 is 3 x 3 x 3 or, in index form (in other words, using exponents), 3^3.

What are the factors and prime factors of 169?

The 3 factors of 169 are 1, 13 and 169. The factor pairs of 169 are 1 x 169 and 13 x 13.The prime factors of 169 are 13 and 13.The prime factorization of 169 is 13 x 13 or, in exponential form, 132.Factor Tree:One way to determine the prime factors is to construct a factor tree, continuing to factor each level until all the numbers have been factored into prime numbers. 169 = 13 x 13Since 13 is a prime number, the factor tree is completeThey are: 13*13 = 1691, 13 and 169

How do you write the Simplest form of fractions?

Factor the numerator and denominator, and then cancel any common factors.

What is the factor form and reapeted multiplication of 625?

As a product of its prime factors: 5*5*5*5 = 625