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Most mathematics courses are designed to ease the student from concrete to abstract thought. If you can visualize chairs in rows, then you can think of those groupings of chairs as rectangles, then you can think of the numbers associated with them by themselves.

You can arrange 18 chairs in one row of 18, two rows of 9 and three rows of 6. Those are the factor pairs of 18.

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Q: How does chairs in 18 rows help you find the factor of 18?
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How does knowing how to arrange 18 chairs help you find the factors of 18?

Of course, it doesn't have to be chairs. Some people find that visualizing objects is helpful in manipulating abstract things like numbers. If you can arrange the chairs in rectangles with no stray chairs left over, you will find that the dimensions of the rectangles correspond to the factors. 1 x 18 2 x 9 3 x 6

How does knowing ways to arrange 18 chairs in equal rows help you find the factors of 18?

The number of rows and the number of chars in that row give you the factor pairs of 18. If you list the number of rows when the 18 chairs can be arranged in rows with an equal number in each row, then this list is the factors of 18. 18 chairs can only be arranged in: 1 row of 18 chairs (1 × 18 = 18) 2 rows of 9 chairs (2 × 9 = 18) 3 rows of 6 chairs (3 × 6 = 18) 6 rows of 3 chairs (6 × 3 = 18) 9 rows of 2 chairs (9 × 2 = 18) 18 rows of 1 chair (18 × 1 = 18) The factors of 18 are thus: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18.

How does arranging 18 chairs in equal rows help me find factors of 18?

It's a concrete way to visualize an abstract concept. If you can arrange the chairs (or blocks or stones or any other items) in even rows, those dimensions are factors. You will find you will be able to arrange them in 2 rows of 9 and 3 rows of 6. You will not be able to arrange them in rows of 4 or 5 without having some left over. The factors of 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18.

What are the different ways to arrange 100 chairs using the factors of 100?

1 row of 100 chairs. 2 rows of 50 chairs. 4 rows of 25 chairs. 5 rows of 20 chairs. 10 rows of 10 chairs. 20 rows of 5 chairs. 25 rows of 4 chairs. 50 rows of 2 chairs. 100 rows of 1 chair. Or you could put them all in one big circle.

How does knowing all the ways to arrange 18 chairs in equal rows help you find the factors of 18?

Think of the chairs as arrays. The dimensions of the arrays give you the factors of 18.

If there are 18 people how many rows of 18 chairs do we need?

one row of 18 chairs two rows of 9 chairs three rows of 6 chairs

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84 of them.

How many rows would you have if you have 65 chairs with five chairs in each row?

65 / 5 = 13 rows

How many chairs are in the temple of Olympus?

They were not chairs but rows of stone.

How many rows will there be with 225 chairs?


How will making an array help someone find factors in a number?

The numbers of rows and columns in a rectangular array form a factor pair for that number.