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If all other dimensions are left unchanged, doubling the height doubles the volume.

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Q: How does doubling the height affect the volume?
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How does doubling the height of the cylinder affect the volume?

It doubles it.

How many doubling the width of a box affect its volume?

If the other dimensions (length and height) are left unchanged, doubling the width will double the volume.

How does doubling the radius of a cylinder affect the volume?

Doubling the radius quadruples the volume.

Is it possible to double the volume of a cylinder by doubling it's height?

Yes - of course it is !

What effects the cylinder more doubling the radius or doubling the height?

They both have the same effect on the surface area of the pipe, but the radius has more effect on its volume/capacity.

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What effect does tripling the radius and doubling the height of a cone have on the cone's volume?

the volume changes as radius squared and linear with height, so tripling radius and double of height gives 3 x 3 x 2 = 18 times more volume

Does doubling the height at age 2 equal finished height?

It is supposed to. I did it on my children and it worked

Doubling the dimensions of 3-D shapes has what effect on volume?

The volume increases by 8 times (23). doubling is 2, so its 2 to the power of 3. Leigh

How would doubling mass of an object affect its height?

In general, as objects get larger, mass increases faster than height, because height is a linear, or one dimensional measurement, whereas mass is related to volume, and volume would as a general rule be proportional to the cube of the height. I will add that your question is rather vague. A person who is getting fat, for example, could double in mass without any change in height. An empty box could have something put inside it that would cause it to double in mass without any increase in height. There are many different possible situations involving increased mass, which would have a variety of effects on height.

Will changing the dimensions of a cylinder affect the volume?

Yes. Except that there will be some combinations of changes to diameter and height which will leave the volume unchanged.

Does the force of gravity most affect weight or volume or height or mass?

I don't know. Figure it out on your own.