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There is no difference. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational Numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.

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Q: How does rational number different from fractional number?
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How are rational number different from fractional and whole number?

The set of rational numbers is the union of the set of fractional numbers and the set of whole numbers.

What is a group of rational numbers?

A rational number is a number that can be expressed in fractional form.

What is a number that can be written in fractional form called?

It is rational

What is difference between fractional and rational numbers?

All rational numbers are fractional but all fractional numbers are not rational. For example, pi/2 is fractional but not rational.

Is -0.45 rational or irrational?

-0.45 is a rational number as a rational number is a number which can be written in fractional form or p\q form.So -0.45 can be written as -45\100.Hence,-0.45 is a rational number

Is 0.003 rational?

Yes, as a rational number is any number that can be expressed in fractional form. -.003 can be expressed in a fraction; for example, -3/1000.

Is negative 0.003 rational?

Yes, as a rational number is any number that can be expressed in fractional form. -.003 can be expressed in a fraction; for example, -3/1000.

Why the rational number 10 is also a whole number?

Because 10 has no fractional part; it is considered a whole number.

Classify the number 1.43?

It is a rational number, with a terminating decimal representation. It is not a whole number but comprises a fractional part.

What type of number is 0.25 is is a whole number?

0.25 is a rational fractional number expressed in decimal form. It is not a whole number of any type.

What fractional form of 9.546 to prove that it is a rational number?

9.546 as an improper fraction in its simplest form is 4773/500 which proves that it is a rational number

What number squared is 27?

The answer is not a rational number and therefore cannot be written out in full in decimal (or fractional) notation. It is approx 5.196152.