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The higher the ramps incline in affects how much work the engine has to put out. climbing up an average driveway requires very little from and average car. Going off-roading and going up steep hills means that the engine has to be able to put a lot more force on (FWD/RWD/AWD/4WD) to get up the hill. That means the engine needs to pump faster so that the wheels can push/pull the weight of the car up. As far as what causes the need for the extra work, that would have to be gravity. Gravity keeps cars down, and not down on any incline, down FLAT. Gravity does that to everything.

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Q: How does the hight of a ramp affect the speed of a car?
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Is the speed of a car on a ramp affected by the degree of the slant of the ramp?

Yes. The degree and slant of the ramp does affect the speed of the car

Does changing the height of a ramp affect the speed of the car going down the ramp?

Changing the slope of the ramp will affect the speed of the vehicle going down it.

Does the height of a ramp affect a toy car's speed going down it?

Yes. The height of the ramp does affect the speed going down it the higher the ramp the faster the car goes down it

How will the angle of a ramp affect the speed of a car going down it?

The larger the angle of the ramp, the faster the car will go down it.

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The car's mass should have no effect on that speed.

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How does the height of a ramp affect the speed of a car?

The height of a ramp affects the speed of a car because the higher the ramp the faster the car will come down. The higher up the ramp the more momentum the car will gain. People take delight in pooping. Pooping is thought by some to be a joyous activity.

Does the height of the ramp affect the speed of the car?

Yes,if you are going at 100 mph and you go down a steep hill your speed on speedometer does not go higher but your car actually gains speed no it does not, the height of the ramp affects the distance ,not the speed.Laws of physics apply here.

Why does the higher the ramp affect the speed of a car?

a ramp offsets the normal force of an object which allows gravity to have an x component relative to the object. the greater the incline the greater this effect is. A car attempting to go up a ramp will be slowed by this effect, and a car attempting to go down a ramp will be sped up by this effect.

Does the height of a ramp effect the speed of a car?

If you are talking about a car rolling down a ramp then yes. The taller the ramp the more momentum the car will create there for the car will travel farther and faster.

How does the angle of a ramp affect the distance a toy car will travel?

the steeper the ramp, the farther the car goes. if your ramp is flatter, it won't go as far.

How does the angle of a ramp affect the distance a toy car travels?

in our experiment the higher angle 60 degrees slow the car down because of the severity of impact where slope/ramp touch the floor. the middle angle 30 degrees had best result with smoothest transition.