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The length of the hypotenuse when squared is equal to the sum of the legs when each leg has been squared:-

a2+b2 = c2 where a and b are the legs of the right angle triangle with c being the hypotenuse

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Q: How does the length of the hypotenuse in a right triangle relate to the lengths of the legs?
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How do the sides and angles of a triangle relate to each other?

The shortest side is opposite the smallest angle. The longest side is opposite the biggest angle. The middle length side is opposite the middle sized angle. For a triangle with sides of length a, b, and c, with c being the hypotenuse (the longest side), a2 + b2 = c2. The angles within a triangle must all add to 180o.

How do you find the angle measurements of a triangle if you have the side lengths?

The way to find the angle measures of a triangle if you have the side lengths is to use inverse trigonometry. If a triangle is a right triangle (meaning it has one right angle or 90 degree angle) then you can use Right Triangle Trigonometry. There are three trigonometric (or trig) functions that we can use: Sin (pronounced Sign, short for sine), Cos (short for cosine), and Tan (short for tangent). These are all names of functions. These functions relate an angle measure of a right triangle to the ratio of two particular sides. Generally SOH CAH TOA is the mnemonic device people use to remember the trig ratios. Sin(x) = Opposite/Hypotenuse Cos(x) = Adjacent/Hypotenuse Tan(x) = Opposite/Adjacent. In each of these relationships, x is the value of one of the acute angles of the triangle. We want to however, find the angle measure rather than the ratio of the sides. So to do this, we isolate the value of the angle by taking the inverse function of both sides, resulting in the following equations where x is the value of the acute angle: x = sin-1(opposite/hypotenuse) or x = cos-1(adjacent/hypotenuse) or x = tan-1(opposite/adjacent). The negative one that you see here is just denoting that you need to use the inverse of the function. Most calculators that have the trig functions available, also have the inverses available as well. As a quick example, take the following right triangle ABC: A |\ |.\ |..\ |...\ |....\ |.....\ C----B If AB=5, BC=3, and AC=4 and we know that C is a right angle, we can find angle B by doing the following calculation on the calculator: the measure of angle B=tan-1(4/3) The calculator would yield an answer of roughly 53.1 degrees. If the triangle is not a right triangle, then you either have to use the law of cosine or the law of sin, both of which are very well explained on wikipedia. They are simply ways to relate side lengths to angle measures using the trig functions.

How many meters in a radian?

Meter is a unit of length. Radian is a unit of angle. They don't relate.

What is an exterior angle of a triangle and how does the measure of an exterior angle relate to the interior angles?

Exterior angle+interior angle=180 degrees and 180-exterior angle=interior angle

How can slope relate to pythagorean theorem?

It does not relate to it

Related questions

How do the sides and angles of a triangle relate to each other?

The shortest side is opposite the smallest angle. The longest side is opposite the biggest angle. The middle length side is opposite the middle sized angle. For a triangle with sides of length a, b, and c, with c being the hypotenuse (the longest side), a2 + b2 = c2. The angles within a triangle must all add to 180o.

Which triangle can relate to the degrees of 90?

A right angle triangle.

How do you find the angle measurements of a triangle if you have the side lengths?

The way to find the angle measures of a triangle if you have the side lengths is to use inverse trigonometry. If a triangle is a right triangle (meaning it has one right angle or 90 degree angle) then you can use Right Triangle Trigonometry. There are three trigonometric (or trig) functions that we can use: Sin (pronounced Sign, short for sine), Cos (short for cosine), and Tan (short for tangent). These are all names of functions. These functions relate an angle measure of a right triangle to the ratio of two particular sides. Generally SOH CAH TOA is the mnemonic device people use to remember the trig ratios. Sin(x) = Opposite/Hypotenuse Cos(x) = Adjacent/Hypotenuse Tan(x) = Opposite/Adjacent. In each of these relationships, x is the value of one of the acute angles of the triangle. We want to however, find the angle measure rather than the ratio of the sides. So to do this, we isolate the value of the angle by taking the inverse function of both sides, resulting in the following equations where x is the value of the acute angle: x = sin-1(opposite/hypotenuse) or x = cos-1(adjacent/hypotenuse) or x = tan-1(opposite/adjacent). The negative one that you see here is just denoting that you need to use the inverse of the function. Most calculators that have the trig functions available, also have the inverses available as well. As a quick example, take the following right triangle ABC: A |\ |.\ |..\ |...\ |....\ |.....\ C----B If AB=5, BC=3, and AC=4 and we know that C is a right angle, we can find angle B by doing the following calculation on the calculator: the measure of angle B=tan-1(4/3) The calculator would yield an answer of roughly 53.1 degrees. If the triangle is not a right triangle, then you either have to use the law of cosine or the law of sin, both of which are very well explained on wikipedia. They are simply ways to relate side lengths to angle measures using the trig functions.

What triangle does the pythagorean theorem relate to?

A right triangle, that is, one with one angle of 90 degrees.

Can you relate the area of triangle and the area of hexagon?

Area of hexagon= Area of original triangle/10

What kind of triangle have a 10 cm10 cm12 cm?

The dimensions given relate to an isosceles triangle

Could a triangle with sides 8cm 6cm 8cm long be a scalene triangle?

No because the dimensions given relate to an isosceles triangle.

What does pascals triangle relate the coefficients to?

Expansion of the Binomial a+b

How does length and width relate to area?

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Who discovered a mathematical formula to relate the sides of a right triangle?


What were the contributions of Pythagoras?

Pythagoras was an ancient Greek mathematician whose theorem was: any right angle triangle, when its hypotenuse is squared, is equal to the sum of its squared sides. discovery of a mathematical formula to relate the sides of a right triangle

How do the sides of a right triangle relate to each other?

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