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there is no change in the mass of body

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Q: How does the mass of an object on earth compare with the mass of the same object on the moon?
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How does the mass and the object on the earth compare with the mass of the same object on the moon?

The object's mass doesn't change, no matter where it is or where it goes.

How do weights on Earth compare weights on the Moon?

because we are on earth the mass of an object greater and if we will in the outside of earth we will lessen

How does your mas on earth compare to your mass on the moon?

The moon has 1/6th the gravity of the Earth. If something weighed 60 pounds on Earth it would weigh ten pounds on the Moon. The mass of the object would not change, as mass is the measurement of how much stuff you are.

Why is there a difference in an object's weight on Earth and on the Moon?

Because the gravitational force between any two objects depends on the product of both their masses. The object's weight on earth depends on the object's mass and the earth's mass, whereas its weight on the moon depends on the object's mass and the moon's mass. Since the moon's mass is very different from the earth's mass, the object's weight is also different there.

Is the acceleration on the moon less or more powerful than on earth?

Gravity on the moon is lower than earth since it had lesser mass. The falling object would accelerate at slower speed on the moon compare to earth.

Who an object transported from Earth to the Moon has the?

An object transported from the Earth to the moon has a different weight and same mass.

Is the mass of an object more on the moon?

No. The mass of an object does not change. However and object's weight, which is a function of mass and gravity, is less on the moon than on earth.

How do your masson the moon compare to your mass on earth?


How does the weight of an object on earth compare with it's weight on the moon?

On the Earth, the object weighs 6.04 times as much as its weight on the moon.

How would the mass of an object change if it were on the moon?

The mass of an object itself does not change on the moon. However, an object's weight is less than it would be on Earth because the moon's gravity is weaker than Earth's gravity.

If an object is placed halfway between the moon and earth were would the object fall towards?

The Earth Answer: As far as the "Why?" This is because the formula to calculate the magnitude of gravitaiona; attraction between two objects depends on the mass of the onjects. The formula is: Fg = G (m1m2/D2) Where: Fg = The force of gravity between objectsM = MassG = The universal gravitational constantD = The distance between the two objects Substituting values for the masses of the object, the moon and the Earth and canceling out the constant values gives us: F (Earth and Object)/ F (Moon and Object) = Mass Earth/Mass Moon As the mass of the Earth is significantly larger than the mass of the moon Mass Earth/Mass Moon =80) the attraction of the Earth is stronger and the object is pulled towards the Earth.

If an object has a mass of 20kg on earth what is the mass of the object on moon?

The mass on the moon will remain the same, 20 kg If the object's mass is 20 kg, then it's 20 kg. On Earth, on the moon, on Mars, or floating weightless in a space ship coasting from one of them to another. Weight depends on where you are, but mass doesn't.