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The month does not effect it. The angle of the earth to the sun does.

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Q: How does the month of the year affect the amount of daylight?
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What month has most daylight lost?

A month does not lose daylight. The amount of daylight received is dependent on latitude and the time of year.

What month of the year do North Americans receive the least daylight?


Second day of the year that there is exactly 12 hours of daylight?

Second day of the year that there is exactly 12 hours of daylight is in the month of June and the day 21st.. :)

What do you call the day of the year that has the least amount of daylight?

the winter solstice

How much light is there in a desert?

Daylight hours depend on the specific latitude and time of the year. The amount of daylight in the desert is the same as received by non-desert areas in the same region. Being a desert does not affect the amount of daylight.

Why does the amount of daylight change during the course of year?

The amount of light and heat radiated by the Sun changes at different times of the year.

Is the autumnal equinox the longest day?

An equinox is not the shortest day. It has the same amount of daylight and darkness. The solstices have the longest and shortest days. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year in terms of the amount of daylight.

What is the distinction of a December 21 day?

It is the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, when the northern hemisphere is tipped furthest from the sun, resulting in the shortest amount of daylight in the year in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, it would be the day with the longest amount of daylight.

Is the equinox the shortest day of the year?

No. It has equal amounts of daylight and darkness. A winter solstice has the least amount of daylight and can be regarded as the shortest day of the year. If your clocks go forward once a year, then that particular day has 23 hours, so that could also be said to be the shortest day of the year.

Muslim never eat?

Of course Muslims eat, but they go through a period of fasting during daylight hours throughout the holy month of Ramadan. This falls in the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar, which differs in time from year to year. During this month, no Muslim is allowed to eat during daylight hours, although they can do so after sunset. They also avoid eating pork, which like Jews they regard as an unclean meat.

Which proper noun is the name of the shortest month of the year?

If you mean, Which month have the least amount of days, then the answer is February; 28 days.

Why does the amount of daylight change during the course of a year?

The earth is on an axis of 22 degrees so as we go around and around the sun we also get closer and farther away. Play a game and make small sun and earth.have fun