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Q: How does the tilt of earths axis account for differences in the area of sunlight each hemisphere receives during the summer solstice and winter solstice?
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Which solstice does the southern hemisphere get the most direct sunlight?

The Southern Hemisphere gets the most sunlight when the Southern Hemisphere has its Summer Solstice. That's the one that occurs around December 21.

When the area of sunlight is at a maximum in one hemisphere and at a minimum in other hemisphere it is known as what?

It is called solstice. It is summer solstice in the hemisphere where the area is at its maximum, and winder solstice in the other.

In December which hemisphere receives more sunlight?

The southern hemisphere receives more sunlight during December As the earth's axis tilted to about 22.5°. The southern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun.

Which hemisphere gets the most direct sunlight during winter?

The other hemisphere from the one having the winter solstice gets the most sunlight

The smallest day of year?

The smallest day of the year is the winter solstice, which occurs in the Northern Hemisphere on December 21 or 22. On this day, the North Pole is tilted away from the Sun, so the Northern Hemisphere receives the least amount of sunlight. The winter solstice is also the day with the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere. The opposite happens in the Southern Hemisphere, where the summer solstice is the smallest day of the year. The summer solstice occurs on December 21 or 22 in the Southern Hemisphere, and it is the day with the shortest night. The reason why the winter solstice is the smallest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere is because of the Earth's tilt. The Earth is tilted on its axis by about 23.5 degrees. This means that as the Earth orbits the Sun, different parts of the Earth receive different amounts of sunlight. During the winter solstice, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun, so it receives the least amount of sunlight. The winter solstice is also the day with the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere because the Sun sets earlier and rises later than on any other day of the year. The amount of daylight hours on the winter solstice can vary depending on your location. For example, in New York City, the winter solstice has 9 hours and 20 minutes of daylight. In Anchorage, Alaska, the winter solstice has 5 hours and 0 minutes of daylight. The winter solstice is a significant event in many cultures around the world. In some cultures, it is a time of celebration, while in others, it is a time of reflection. The winter solstice is also a time of astronomical significance, as it marks the beginning of the winter season.

What is it called when the day has the shortest amount of sunlight on December 21st in the northern hemisphere?

The winter solstice.

What side of a tree does fungi grow?

Depends what hemisphere you are in, normally the side that receives the least sunlight

When it is winter in the northern hemisphere which areas on Earth get the most concentrated amount of light?

During the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere the 23 parallel in the southern hemisphere is receiving the most direct sunlight.

What is it called when the northern hemisphere gets the most sunlight?

It is called the summer solstice. It occurs on either the 21st or the 20th of June. During this time the southern hemisphere experiences winter.

Why do earth have season?

That's because Earth's axis is tilted (as compared to a line that is perpendicular to Earth's plane of rotation). As a result, during part of the year, the northern hemisphere receives more sunlight; during another part of the year, the southern hemisphere receives more sunlight.

Which hemisphere northern or southern receives more hours of sunlight on April 1?

From March 21 until about September 21, the Earth's northern hemisphere is tilted towardthe sun, and receives more sun light on any day than the southern hemisphere does.

On which hemisphere are the sun's ray's falling most directly?

Between March 20th and September 20th (or there abouts) the northern hemisphere receives the majority of the sunlight, while during September 20th to March 20th, the southern hemisphere receives more light. This is due to the earths tilt.