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Q: How far does the stone fall during the 5th second Find and use the explicit formula. What is the first term of the sequence How far does the stone fall during the 5th second Find and use the explicit?
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How do you find out the formula for a Quadratic Sequence?

A quadratic sequence is when the difference between two terms changes each step. To find the formula for a quadratic sequence, one must first find the difference between the consecutive terms. Then a second difference must be found by finding the difference between the first consecutive differences.

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What are some sequence words?

Some sequence words are first, second, third, then, next, after that

What is a sequence of a story?

a sequence of a story is like what happened first, second, third etc

What is the nth term formula for the sequence 13 29 25 31 37?

As given, the sequence is too short to establish the generating rule. If the second term was 19 and NOT 29, then the nth term is tn = 6*n + 7 or 6(n+1)+1

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Is there going to be a twilight sequence 2?

Sequence? There is going to be a second movie out. They are making a movie of the second book (New Moon) set to be out later this year.

Use sequence in a sentence?

In a story sequence words can be first, second, then, next, and last

What is a index of a number sequence?

It is the counter that tells you the position of the numbers in the sequence: the first, second and so on.

What sequence is formed from difference of differences between terms of a sequence?

These are called the second differences. If they are all the same (non-zero) then the original sequence is a quadratic.

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How many atoms of hydrogen for wood alcohol?

"Wood alcohol" is formally known as methanol, which has a molecular formula of CH3OH. Adding the explicit subscript 3 present for the first occurrence of the H symbol for hydrogen in the formula to the implicit subscript 1 for the second occurrence of the symbol for hydrogen shows that each molecule of methanol contains 4 hydrogen atoms.