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It's not really different. In both cases you are taking advantage of the commutative and associative properties to find calculations which are easy, such as 4x25=100, or 7+13=20.

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Q: How is regrouping multiplication and addition different?
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Multiplication and addition are different mathematical operations with different rules. What is required for addition is not necessarily required for multiplication.

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I need help with that. I happen to have that question now in my Math lesson :( HELP!!!

How is addition and multiplication different?

Multiplication is repeated adding. Addition is a number with another number combined for a total.

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Multiplication by an integer is the same as repeated addition.

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The two operations - addition and multiplication - are different and so their identities are different.

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How many different levels in order of operations?

P.E.M.D.A.S Parenthesis..( ) Exponants Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Do Multiplication and Division left to right. Do the same to Addition and Subtraction.

What does regrouping mean in math with decimals?

Regrouping in math with decimals simply refers to the term used addition or subtraction when either carrying or borrowing is involved.

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The process is different for different operations: addition/subtraction, multiplication or division.

Symbol that specify addition substraction multiplication?

+ addition - subtraction* multiplication