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A factorial of a whole number is that number multiplied by all smaller whole numbers down to one. So 7 factorial (written 7!) means 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1

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Q: How is the math term factorial used?
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Code for factorial numbers in python?

Here is my code: import math num = int(input()) print(math.factorial(num)) I used a bit of a cheat and imported the math module though.

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Do you mean an exclaimation mark (!) An exclamination mark means factorial so............. 3! = 3 factorial 3 factorial means 1x2x3 = 6 2! or 2 factorial means 1x2 = 2 4! or 4 factorial means 1x2x3x4 = 24

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At the top of your program: import math or from math import * The second one imports all math functions, like fact() for factorial.

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What does the exclamation mark do in math problems?

It is used to represent factorial. For example, n! is equal to n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)...(1).

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A capital A is usually used as a symbol for area in math.

Is there a factorial button on a TI-83 Plus?

Yes. To access it, press [Math], scroll over to PRB [>] [>] [>] [>], and select option [4].

What is the math term to the definition survey?

What is the math term to the definition survey?Well, the definition of survey is a method used and collects data.

What is the math term used to find the value of an algebraic expression?

A term often used is "evaluate".

What is the practical use for a Domain?

a computer term or a math term can be used in many ways