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D = 1/2 G T2

T = sqrt(2D/G) = sqrt(352.8/9.8)

= 6 seconds

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Q: How long does it take an object to fall 176.4 meters in a vacuum?
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How far do you have to fall to reach 120 mph?

In vacuum it is about 150 meters.

What object falls faster a heavy object or a light object in a vacuum?

They both fall at the same rate. This is because they are both only acted upon by one force in the vacuum- gravitational acceleration. The mass, size or shape of the object do not influence the object's motion in a vacuum.

Why does a heavy object fall at the same rate as a light object in a vacuum?

cause the two have lost their weight

Does the shape of an object affect the rate of it's fall?

In air, yes. In vacuum, no.

How does resistance affects an falling object?

It depends on the shape of the object. A spherical object will fall faster than a rectangular object. This is untrue if they are placed in a vacuum.

How many meters will a 2kg ball moves starting from rest fall freely in one second?

The mass is irrelevant. If the object is in free fall (that is, air resistance can be neglected), an object will fall 4.9 meters in one second.

Surely an object that is heavy and aero-dynamic would fall faster?

If there is an atmosphere - yes. In a vacuum - no.

If an object is in free fall after each second how does the object fall?

The speed of an object in free fall near the earth's surface is always 9.8 meters (32.2 feet) per second morethan it was one second earlier.

If an object falls for 12 seconds from what height did it fall ignoring air resistance?

On object falling under the force of gravity (9.8 m/s2) would, in a vacuum, fall a distance of 706 metres in 12 seconds. In a non-vacuum, i.e. air, the object would fall less distance in the same time due to drag.xt = 0.5 (9.8) t2

What is the acceleration of an object in free-fall?

On Earth, a free-falling object has an acceleration of 9.8 meters per second2.

What is the rate of speed in mph that all objects will fall at in a vacuum chamber?

Objects in a vacuum will NOT fall at a constant rate; they will fall faster and faster. In other words, they will continuously accelerate. The acceleration near the surface of the Earth is about 9.8 meters per square second. This is not a speed - it means that every second, the speed of the object increases by 9.8 meters per second.

Why light and heavier object when fall through vacuum more side by side?

This is because the weight of an object does not affect the acceleration of that object due to gravity. At Earth's surface, the acceleration due to gravity is roughly 9.8m/s2, regardless of the mass of the object.What does differ with the mass of the object is the force of gravity. Force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. So a one kilogram object will fall with a force of roughly 9.8 meters squared per second squared, or 9.8 Newtons (N). A two kilogram object would fall with a force of about 19.6N (2kg * 9.8m/s2). This is why when -NOT- in a vacuum, items of different mass can fall at different rates. The additional force of the more massive object will better counter the force of friction with the air, allowing it to fall faster even though it's acceleration is the same.