

How long is 2 yards?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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11y ago

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6 feet

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Q: How long is 2 yards?
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6 x 2 x 1 = 12 cubic yards

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A possibility: 2 yards by 3 yards

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2 feet

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Since there are 3 feet in one yard, 2 yards would be 6 feet (2 x 3 = 6)

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1 to 2 minutes. at least.

2 yards wide 3 yards long and 1 yard deep What is cubic feet?

162 cubic feet

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162 cubic feet.

How many square yards of gravel are in an area 5 yards wide by 28 yards long by 2 inches deep?

If you say 2 inches deep, I assume you really mean cubic yards, as in how much you would have to buy? If so, the answer is 7.77, so you would need about 8 yards.

How long is a door in yards?

That depends on the door there are all kinds of doors.

How long and how wide would you make an oval track to get 220yrds?

If you use the formula for determining the circumference of a circle, C=pi*diameter, you can calculate the "ends" of the oval and then determine how long the sides of the oval need to be. For example, if the distance between the 2 long parallel sides of the oval is 20 yards, the circumference of a circle with the diameter of 20 yards is 63 yards (actually 62.8). If you dissect the circle and use one side for one end of the oval and the other side for the other end, you end can figure out how long the parallel sides would need to be. Calculate the length of the 2 sides, subtract 63 yards, the measurement of the 2 ends of the oval, from 220. This would be 157 yards. Then divide 157 by 2 to get the length of the 2 sides of the oval. This would be 78.5 yards. Therefore, the dimensions of this oval would be 20 yards wide by 98.5 yards.