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Q: How long would it take a ball traveling 80 mph to travel 60 feet 6 inches?
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What happens after a traveling violation is called?

The team that did not travel will inbound the ball on the side.

How long does it take a mph ball to cross home plate?

We know that an object traveling 90 MPH would travel 7920 feet (1.5 miles) in 60 seconds. Therefore, we can set up the equasion 7920/60 = 60.5/X X = .458 It would take an object traveling 90 MPH .458 seconds to travel 60 feet, 6 inches. It should also be mentioned that pitchers generally release the ball closer to home plate than 60 feet, 6 inches. How much closer depends on the height and release point of the pitcher at the time.

Can you fall down in basketball with the ball without being called for traveling?

if you fall down and then you pass the ball to another player that would be the best thing to do. But if you get up off the floor and or roll over then it would be a roll penalty and the opposing team would get the ball. the best bet would be to pass to another player without rolling.

If a player moves his pivot foot while in possession of the ball what violation is called?

A travel is called. You can move one foot while the ball is in your hands and you have not dribbled. Moving two will result in a travel.

If you rebound your own air ball without the opposing team touching the ball what violation would it be What violation would it be called?

I think that would be considered traveling. You are advancing the ball without dribbling.

If gravity did not affect the path of a horizontally thrown ball what would happen to the ball?

travel horizontally

Is it traveling when person throwing the basketball inbounds drops it?

It is impossible to travel when inbounding. While there are space restrictions for a throw-in, the thrower is not required to maintain a pivot foot or observe any of the other restrictions of the traveling rule.

Is it considered a traveling violation if the ball is deflected?

No, It is not considered traveling.

Can you travel with the basketball on the basketball court?

nope Why not. When you walk with the ball with out dribbling it is considered traveling. The rules of basketball require a player who has the ball to bounce it against the floor all the while they are moving. Bouncing is dribbling.

How many inches can the cue ball move without hitting a ball?

There is no limit, however for most games, the cue ball must hit the object ball and a ball must hit a rail afterwards. Considering that a ball can travel 8 rails or more without hitting a ball and still be capable of making a legal shot the ball may have travelled more than 800 inches.

When a airplane is traveling forward at 120 miles per hour and a bowling ball is dropped from the plane which way would the ball travel?

It would move slightly backwards due to no air resistance------------------------------------------------------- The above answer is rubbish. It would continue travelling forward. Whilst travelling forward it would also travel down. It would continue to travel forward until it slowed down to a zero forward speed ( DUE to air resistance ) but a terminal downward speed. Whether or not it would reach a zero forward speed and terminal downward speed would depend on how high it was when it was dropped.

Would it be a travel if you are in a dribble toward the goal you jump grab the ball with both hands come down and take two steps and lay the ball in Is this a travel jump step or nothing?

that is a travel