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A person could not use up all the oxygen. As oxygen was used up, the level of oxygen in the remaining air would become lower. It would reach a level where it could not sustain human life well before it was all used up.

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Q: How long would it take one person to use up all the oxygen in a space of 2.0 meters wide x 2.4 meters high x 2.6 meters long?
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What would happen if you were to go to space?

First if you didn't have oxygen when you went into space then you would die. Secondly if you went into space without the correct uniform and then you stepped out of the rocket, when in space, then you would just float because there is no gravity in space, bu if you had the correct equipment all a good supply of oxygen then you would be fine.

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well you can probably sleep in space if you had a space suit on....... but if not then you would die of lack of oxygen.