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13 feet by 12 feet is the same as 156 inches by 144 inches. Multiply 156 by 144 to find that the room's area is 22464 square inches. Next, find the area of each tile by multiplying 13 by 13 to get 169 square inches. We need to find how many 169 square inch tiles can fit in a 22464 square inch room, so divide 22464 by 169 and get 132.923077. Round that up to the nearest whole number and get:

133 tiles.

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Q: How many 13inch square tiles are required for a 13 x 12 foot room?
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First you have to change the inches to feet. So you divide 13/12 (because there are 12 inches in one foot). So the tiles are now 1.08 feet x 1.08 feet. Multiply the two sides together to get the area of one tile. 1.08 x 1.08 = 1.16 square feet.Now divide the whole area of the room (150 square feet) by the area of one tile to find how many tiles are needed.150/1.16 = 129.3 tiles.(When ordering tiles you should always order a few more to cover any breakages etc. )

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Assuming none are broken during the installation process, 64 full tiles will be required.

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How many 1 inch by 1 square tiles for 6 square feet?

864 tiles.144 tiles per square foot.

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How many 6x6 tiles do you need to make 100 square feet?

400. That's because there are four six-by-six tiles in each square foot. 4 tiles per square foot X 100 square feet = 400 tiles.


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A builder needs to tile a 7 foot by 8 foot room with one-foot square tiles. How many tiles will she need?

You would need 56 tiles to do the floor

How many 6x6 tiles in sq ft?

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