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a 20.5 inch tile has an area of 420.25 square inches. 600 square feet contains 86400 square inches so you would need 86400/420.25 = 206 tiles.

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Q: How many 20.5 by 20.5 inch tiles are used in a 600 square foot area?
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1,080 tiles exactly.

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10A 8 foot by 5 foot area would hold 24 four inch square tiles along the 8 foot side and 15 along the 5 foot side, so the total quantity of would be 360 four inch square tiles (24 x 15).

How many 1 inch by 1 square tiles for 6 square feet?

864 tiles.144 tiles per square foot.

How many 4 inch tiles in 1 square foot?

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972 Get a thousand, just in case.

How many 12 inch tiles fit in 294 square feet space?

Is this a trick question? A 12 inch tile has an area of 1 square foot. So to cover 294 square feet you would need 294 tiles!

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500 square feet = 500*12*12 square inches this will require 500*12*12/(18*18) tiles = 222.22 tiles. This assumes that all parts of cut tiles are used. If not, the exact dimensions of the area are required.

If you have an area of 1344 square feet to fill up how many 12X12 inch tiles do you need?

1344. Each tile is a square foot.

How many 4 inch tiles equals a square foot?


How many three inch tiles can you fit on a floor that is six feet by five feet?

120 tiles because the area of the floor is 30 square feet. If you can fit four tiles into one square foot then you could fit 120 tiles in 60 square feet.

How many six-inch square tiles are needed to tile the floor in a room that is 12 feet by 18 feet?

Floor area = 12 ft x 18 ft = 216 square feet. There are 4 six-inch square tiles needed for each square foot, so 864 tiles are needed.