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Four digit numbers span from 1000 to 9999. This totals (9999-1000) +1 = 9000 different four digit numbers

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Q: How many 4-digit numbers can be formed by the digits 01 2 3 456789 using the digits more than once in each number example 1112 1122?
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What are the numbers made with digits 2375?

There are 24 number made by permutations of the digits. There are lots more if the digits can be repeated, for example, 27335722. Even more can be made by using arithmetic and algebraic operations, for example 35^27 = approx 4.8960*10^41. You have not specified what the rules for "making" numbers are!

What numbers have digits whose sum is five?

There are infinitely many. For example, 14,104,1004,10004,100004 etc.

What is it called when numbers are transposed?

Their order is switched. For example, in the two numbers 12345 and 13245, the second and third digits are transposed.

What is a stem-and-leaf plot?

an arrangement of data for 2-digit numbers , the tens digits are shown as the "steams" and the ones digits as the "leaves" Example: 19,22,25,26,27,28,29,30,34,36,37,42,43,44,46,48,48,49,52,53,55,57,58,62

How to perform arithmetic operations on two numbers?

How do i multiple double digits for example 73×28

What is an example of an irrational but whole number?

That 's not possible since irrational numbers have infinity digits. All whole numbers are rational.

How many numbers of at least tree different digits can be formed from the integers 123456?

Numbers formed should be of at least 3 digits means they may be of 3 digits, 4 digits, 5 digits or 6 digits. There are 6 choices for digit in the units place. There are 5 and 4 choices for digits in ten and hundred’s place respectively. So, total number of ways by which 3 digits numbers can be formed = 6.5.4 = 120 Similarly, the total no.of ways by which 4 digits numbers can be formed = = 360. the total no. of ways by which 5 digits numbers can be formed = = 720. The total no.of ways by which 4 digits numbers can be formed = = 720. So, total no.of ways by which the numbers of at least 3 digits can be formed = 120 + 360 + 720 + 720 = 1920.

How many numbers can you made of this number 3586?

You can make 24 numbers by rearranging the digits. However, you can make vastly more if you allow mathematical operations on the digits. For example, 3+5*8-6 = 37.

How do you use braces and digits to designate the set of even numbers?

For Example: -5,0,5 |-5| |0| |5|

What are digits in a math problem?

Digits in math problems are just simply numbers. For example, if there a number like 4123, the digits would be 1, 2, 3, 4. It is also good to write them in orders.

How many numbers is ten digits?

10 digits are numbers in the billions.