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Q: How many 5-digit whole numbers can be made with the number 0 1 2?
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Is the fraction -5 7ths a rational number?

Every fracftion made of whole numbers is a rational number.In fact, the definition of a rational number is any numberthat can be written as a fraction made of whole numbers.

Can any fraction made up of two whole numbers be rational?

In mathematics, a rational number is any number that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction a/b of two integers, with the denominator b not equal to zero. Since all whole numbers are integers, all fractions made up of whole numbers will be rational.

What numbers cannot be made into a ratio?

An irrational number refers to one that can not be written as a ratio, or fraction, between two whole numbers.

How is adding mixed number like adding fraction and whole numbers?

A mixed number is made up of two parts: an integer (whole) part and a fractional part.

What numbers can be made using 4 consecutive numbers?

Assuming you mean 4 consecutive whole numbers, the answer is number that can be expressed as 4n+10 where n is an integer.

Who has made the whole numbers?

Jean-Paul Whole.

Can the sum of two mixed numbers be equel to 2 Explain why or why not?

No. Each mixed number is made of a whole number and a fraction. When you add them, you have the sum of two whole numbers and two fractions. Since each whole number must be at least ' 1 ', the sum of two whole numbers must be at least ' 2 ', and the two fractions will always make it more than ' 2 '.

What is made up of a fraction and whole number?

A mixed number is made up of a whole number and a fraction.

What do you call a number that is made up of a whole number and a fraction?

A number that is made up of a whole number and a fraction, such as 1 3/4, is known as a Mixed Number.

How many five digit whole numbers can be made?


How do you find the sum of all the whole numbers between any two whole numbers?

You know that sum of the first n whole numbers is n(n+1)/2. ( it is the same as the first n natural numbers since the zero does not add anything) So lets say you want the sum of all the whole numbers between 3 and 10. ( I made it easy to illustrate the idea.) The sum of the whole numbers between 0 and 3 is 3(4)/2=6 The sum of the whole numbers between 0 and 10 is 10(11)/2=55 So the sum of the whole numbers between 3 and 10 is the (sum of the whole number between 0 and 10) -(sum of whole numbers between 0 and 3) which is 55-6=49 So in general, for whole numbers m and n with m

Frank made a list of all the whole numbers between 1 to 100 How many times did he write the number 2?

ten (10) times