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Depends entirely on the batteries - all types and brands will have a rating, usually in mWh - you need to work it out from that. You also need to allow for the rated voltage of the lamp. Educated guess - very many thousands.

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Q: How many AA batteries will you need to make a 100 watt light bulb last for two weeks?
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How long does a mood light last?

The mood light will last as long as the bulbs life, which has a lifetime of an average household light bulb. once the bulb burns out, one must replace the bulb with another mood light bulb.

Can battiries last 3 weeks?

i think it depends on the kind of batteries

How long did the last light bulb last?

1400 hours

When did latimer improve the light bulb?

he improved the light bulb when he saw that it did not last long and broke easily

When did Lewis Latimer improve the light bulb?

he improved the light bulb when he saw that it did not last long and broke easily

How long a light bulb last?

300 hrs

How long did the patent on the light bulb last?

At the time of the light bulb's invention, the term of protection on a patent was 17 years.

How do light a light bulb with a car battery?

A car battery normally supplies 12.5 volts at full charge. If the light bulb you are trying to light is a 12 volt bulb then make a connection with the +(positive) battery terminal to the small lead button at end of the bulb, and the - (negative) terminal to the metal side of the bulb. If the battery is charged, the light should work. If the bulb is a higher voltage type you must connect more batteries in series until the proper voltage is reached. WARNING...With more batteries connected in series, the voltage could become dangerous. Do not use more than two batteries in series unless you have an experienced electrician to apply safety techniques. If your battery is 12 volts, an auto lamp up to 24 volts will light up. the 24 volt bulb will be half as bright. Over the years, I have replaced dashboard lamps with 14 volt bulbs because they will last longer because they are rated for a higher voltage but fed with a lower voltage.

How did thomas Edison last light bulb last?

it lasted 1500 hours

How long does a normal light bulb last?

A flourescent light bulb lasts between 6000 to 18000 hours.

Which bulb last longer an incandescent light bulb or Compact fluorescent lights?

compact floresent