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Q: How many Ceres can fit in the sun?
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Does Ceres have a sun?

Yes. Ceres orbits the same sun that Earth does.

How many planets or dwarf planets is nearest the sun?

Planet: Mercury Dwarf planet: Ceres

How many planets is Ceres from your sun?

Ceres is the closest dwarf planet to our sun, orbiting between the fourth planet Mars and the fifth planet Jupiter.

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Does Ceres orbit another astronomical body besides the Sun?

No, Ceres orbits the Sun. It is considered a dwarf planet.

Why is Ceres not called a moon?

Ceres is not called a moon because it orbits the sun and not a planet.

What dwarf planet is closest to the sun?

Ceres, also designated 1 Ceres or (1) Ceres, is the nearest dwarf planet to the Sun which is located in the main asteroid belt between mars and jupiter.

Is Ceres the fifth planet in the solar system?

If Ceres was a regular planet, then it would be the fifth one from the Sun. However, Ceres is classified as a dwarf planet, so Jupiter is the fifth regular planet from the Sun.

What is the revolution for Ceres dwarf planet?

It takes 4.6 years for Ceres to revolve around the sun.

How long does Ceres the Dwarf planet take the sun to orbit?

The dwarf planet 1 Ceres orbits around the Sun once in 4.6 years.

How many earth days does it take Ceres to orbit the sun?

Ceres follows an orbit between Mars and Jupiter, within the asteroid belt, with a period of 4.6 Earth years.

How many plotos can fit in the sun?

223,096,366 Dwarf Planet Plutos can fit in the sun.