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The basic rules for keeping fish successfully are :- 1 inch of fish needs AT LEAST 1 gallon of water. (3 gallons is far better) :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week.. If you follow the above rules your fish will stand a chance of surviving. If you fail in any of them I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick. If you understood the above, you will realise that a large fish like an Oscar needs a minimum of around 30 gallons of water. A 2 foot tank is not large enough to keep even one small Oscar let alone 6. An Adult pair of Oscars need an 8'x2'x2' tank.

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Q: How many Oscars can you keep in a 2 feet tank....i was thinkin 6?
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