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3 atmospheres

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Q: How many atmosphere of pressure would a diver experience at 102 feet?
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How deep in water is 3atm of pressure?

One atmosphere is the amount of pressure that can lift water approximately 10.3 meters.Considering that a diver already experiences 1 ATM of pressure in air, the water depth in meters d, at which the diver would experience n ATM of pressure, isd = (n - 1) * 10.3Hence, to experience 3 atmospheres of pressure, you'd need to go ((3-1) * 10.3) = 20.6 meters (67.6 feet) underwater.

What happens diver go deep under water?

You would blow up from water pressure.

What is the expected pressure of air in lungs of a diver at 4 meters below the sea level?

Air pressure (at sea level) is about 1 bar; every 10 meters below the water surface, pressure increases by about 1 bar - that gives a total of 1 + 0.4 = 1.4 bar. (1 bar is about 1 atmosphere.)

What would an astronaut experience if he entered venus atmosphere?

If an astronaut were to enter Venus' atmosphere, they would experience extreme heat and pressure. The temperature on Venus can reach up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius), which is hotter than the surface of Mercury. The atmospheric pressure on Venus is about 92 times greater than Earth's, equivalent to being around 900 meters (3,000 feet) deep in the ocean. The high temperatures and pressure, combined with the thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, would make it impossible for a human to survive without adequate protection.

What part of a diver's body might be hurt during a deep dive and why is this so?

During the deep dive the divers body goes through immense pressure. The atmospheric pressure in the deep as one goes more deep it increases so the lungs of the diver has to do more work and also that if the diver comes up on surface faster ten the rate he went down then the helim would be formed in the lungs of diver which can be lethal.

Did Stuart Diver have a diary or dose someone know the story?

Stuart diver may or may not have a diary but many people who have exsperienced it would know the story and Stuart also has writen a few books about his experience

What is the surface pressure on your mother?

It would be the barometric pressure of the atmosphere which depends on the altitude of the person in question.

What changes in air pressure would you expect if you carried barometer down a mineshaft?

the air pressure would increase because the amount of atmosphere above you increases

Is the pressure inside the balloon equal to the atmospheric pressure?

Think about this: if the pressure WERE equal, what would happen in the instant when you open the neck of the balloon and whatever pressure is on the inside meets the pressure that is on the outside (atmospheric pressure)? In your experience, what DOES happen?

What is the relation between pressure in atmosphere and pressure?

Atmospheric pressure is the surrounding pressure around us. We live in the atmosphere and treat the atmospheric pressure as the base pressure. A pressure gauge would read 0 at atmospheric pressure. When we define the pressure in scientific way of absolute pressure, we need to add up an atmospheric pressure to the measured pressure.

At approximately what height in the atmosphere would the atmospheric pressure be at 1.0 millibars?


Does Mars have an atmosphere if it does what is it like?

mars is called the red planet because it has a slightly reddish tinge when you see it in the sky. the atmosphere of Mars is mostly carbon dioxide and has only 1 percent the pressure of Earth's atmosphere. You could walk around on Mars but you would have to wear an airtight suit and carry your own air, like a scuba diver. Mars has clouds but they are very thin compared to the clouds on earth. from the natural explorer text book