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Q: How many atoms are lefr not decayed in a 500 atom sample after 60 minutes if the half life is 20 minutes?
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The actual mass of an atom of argon is is 6.63x10-24g How many atoms are in a 40.0-g sample of argon?

Divide 40g by the mass of one atom to find the number of argon atoms.

What happens to the mass of a radioactive isotope as it decays?

In reality, as the atoms gets decayed it gives out radiations such as alpha, beta and Gama. Alpha is a helium nucleus which is massive and beta is electron but fast moving and Gama is an electromagnetic radiation. So as the atom decays then its mass is likely to be reduced. Rutherford's radioactive law deals with the number of atoms undecayed present at an instant 't' given in the form N = No e-lambda t Here No is the total atoms present both decayed and undecayed in a sample. N is the number undecayed present lambda - the decay constant t - the time elapsed

How many C-13 atoms are present on average in a 13000-atom sample of carbon?

Carbon-13 make up 1.1% of carbon atoms. .011 x 19000 carbon atoms = 209 carbon-13 atoms present.

How many atoms does bohrium have?

Your question does not make sense. One sample of bohrium could have a certain amount of atoms, while another sample of bohrium may have a different number of atoms. You probably mean: How many protons does bohrium have? Although it is synthetic and radioactive, a bohrium atom can be retained for a few seconds. It then has 107 protons.

Is it possible to determine exactly when a particular unstable isotope will begin to decay?

No. The time it will take for an individual unstable atom to decay is completely random and impossible to predict. However, because there are so many atoms in a sample (6.02x1023 in one mole) it is possible to observe the half-life of the atoms. The half-life is the time that it will take for half of the atoms in a sample of a radioactive isotope to decay into another element or isotope. This is a constant property of the isotope and does not depend on the sample size.

What does the formula indicate about the composition of a 1.0 gram sample of hydrogen sulfide?

All of the molecules are identical combinations of two hydrogen atoms and one sulfur atom.

Do chemical formulas show the total number of atoms in a sample of a compound?

Yes, chemical formulas show the number of atoms in a compound. Water is H2O -- two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom. Carbon dioxide is CO2 -- one carbon and two oxygen atoms.

The way you express the time it takes for atoms in a radioactive substance to distintegrate is called?

The time used for dealing with nuclear decay is called a half life. Decay of a radioactive atom is something that happens by change, and the atoms of one isotope may be more or less prone to decay than the atoms of another. The way we normally express the rate of decay is to speak of the amount of time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample to decay, which is the same as the time during which any one atom of the sample has a 50% chance of decaying.

What does half-life of a radioactive sample mean?

A radioactive sample is constantly decaying. In the period of one half-life, 50% of the radioactive atoms are expected to decay to their stable fragments. After two half-lives, 75% of the radioactive atoms have decayed, and 25% of the original quantity remain.

How much atom in CO3?

There are four atoms - One Carbon atom and Three Oxygen atoms.

What type of atoms are found in the nucleus of an atom?

The nucleus of an atom CANNOT itself contain atoms.

How many atoms in total are in one carbon dioxide atom?

3 atoms. 1 carbon atom and 2 oxygen atoms.